
A great picture of Factory from Andy Qunta’s website www.andyqunta.com



I asked Andy where the name ‘Factory’ came from and got this reply :

Well I was working in a factory around that time, it was on an industrial estate. (Tich Turner was working for another company on the same estate, which was where I first met him). I don’t know if that’s why we called it Factory, but maybe. We thought of it as a band that made music, therefore – Factory. The first name we had was Jack Plugg, which we thought was hiliarious for a couple of weeks, and then the joke wore off! A friend of mine at Hastings College, called Dave Gurney, suggested we call ourselves Cherubim, Seraphim, Angel & Tone! Umm, thanks, Dave!                          Andy Qunta

Drummer – Lol Cooksey



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