The Enid with Terry Pack

1976 Promo Photo

1976 Enid Promo.jpg

L-R: Steve Stewart, Terry Pack, Francis Lickerish, Dave Storey, Charlie Elston, Robert John Godfrey. some interesting info and images on Terry’s website

Terry wrote the following about joining The Enid – It was a lucky break. The band had just split up with its management, and lost its bass player. It was looking for a record deal, and had little to offer in a commercial sense to a more proficient player. I think I had a bit of potential, and was prepared to go and live with a dysfunctional ‘family’ in a freezing cold cottage at the end of a rutted track in the bleakest regions of North Herts where there was nothing else to do but practice, and no money to anything in any case! We were made for each other. 


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