collage by Peter Millington
Joe Knight…. “that was great of dave known him 31 yrs bless”
Mick O’Dowd.…Great load of bozos! Worked with them many times at Pebbles and Rennies by the multi storey. A right den of iniquity!
Mick O’Dowd….The original bionic man himself, Dave Easton with the Bradley Wiggins sideburns!
Joe Knight….well just look at DAVE!!!must send this to him 🙂 love it!!!
Terry Pack….That’s the phallus of shame I was referring to several weeks ago. I knew there was a photo. The person responsible for the most errors was awarded it at the end of the gig, but it got passed around during the gig, too.
Pete Prescott….the last i saw of it was at the six bells at chiddingly, pete shaw won it but it was never seen again thats a very bearded Terry in the background it was at brian storkies place in bexhill.i think it was around 1981.
photo by Pete Prescott
Peter James Shaw….There’s that Revox! Still love ’em….oh, and tbe two Andy’s!
Steve Kinch…I’ve just spent 30 minutes looking at that photo and recollecting some of the times spent in that house – most notably and sadly, rehearsing with dear Mark Thirsk. 2 Andys looking cool .Fabulous photo!
Andy Qunta….Yes, Steve! You & Mark & Tone & I spent a lot of good times there, & created some the best music I’ve ever been part of! Lots of other very talented & fun people visited up there too! Very surprised & pleased that so many of them remember it all so well, & so fondly! Cheers to all!
Andy Caine.…Great photo! What year was that Andy?
Andy Qunta….I think it was ’81 or maybe ’82. 2 Andys looking good! Cheers, mate!
Bob Cockburn….I met Andy Caine once, I was in a bar in Soho Square where I worked for 20th C. Fox…got talking and he went next door & came back & gave me his album……still got it. Nice guy.
supplied by ….Mick O’Dowd & Pete Horton
Glenn Piper….Tich is a long time fan of Sherlock Holmes and is/was a member of a group dedicated to said character.
Martyn Baker….Tich is probably one of the UK’s top authorities on Sherlock Holmes. He has a huge vault/library/museum dedicated to the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
from Andre Palfrey-Martin Collection
Andre says….One of the perks if you were on the right Record Company mailing lists – invites to sessions such as this –
Alan Esdaile Johnny Mason….I was at this one, I remember sticking stickers on the bunny girls tails! I think The Pearls and Barry Blue played live.
Andre Palfrey-martin….I remember the day – and the bunny girls and the booze that flowed, and flowed, and flowed……………….. somehow ended up with Charlie Gillett and a few others in some dive in London and just caught the last train home. Those were the days of good promotional nights & days.
Alan Esdaile Johnny Mason…..Yes the bunny girls where under instructions to keep topping up your glasses and everyone had too much to drink. The girls were not happy with some of the antics of the dj’s and the place looked like a bomb had hit it after we left and this was mid day.
Phil Gill….First thing I thought when I watched it was, “Don’t let him drive, don’t let him drive, don’t le…” and then the wheel fell off.
Pete Prescott….its my magoo pose ! this is a still from a video sergeant made for a track called movin.the video is on u tube.bloody awful ha ha !
Andy Qunta….Has his driving face on too!
Sad video but important people here to remember who helped shape your life with their music.