David Kent….David looked a bit like Klaus Kinski with Johnny Winter hair. I jammed with him once, it was a weird evening.I think a friend of mine gave him a old donkey jacket to smarten him up a bit.
Alan Esdaile…..I remember Dave Reinhardt very well. He walked into Martin Casson Agency looking like a tramp, had a funny little constant chuckle, with a violin case under his arm. He said he was looking for gigs and opened his violin case and played. We were blown away, really good player. Paul Casson tried to manage him but he was such a free spirit, that you could not rely on him to turn up for gigs. You described him perfectly Klaus Kinski with Johnny Winter just about sums his looks.
Yvonne Cleland…..I remember Dave Reinhardt very well. He was D’jango’s nephew or something
Andy Qunta….Thanks for the reminder about Dave Reinhardt! What a character!
Chris Meachen…..David Reinhardt used to play in a duo with another chap, who turned up on top of the pops some years later as a member of (I think) the Poodles…
Phil Gill…..Think you mean Bobby Valentino, fiddler and Clark Gable lookalike from the Fabulous Poodles and the Electric Bluebirds. Top bloke, used to go busking with him sometimes. He worked in the Fiesta briefly in 1973.
Here’s a photo of Bobby Valentino….

Bobby Valentino….Thanks for the name check but I never did a gig with Dave Reinhardt, he was too indisciplined to do duets. Cheers b.v.