Confusion over Deep Purple.


Nigel Young Hastings Observer 18th April 2014….

Memories of Deep Purple

This week in 1968, Deep Purple were listed to appear twice at The Cobweb at Marine Court, on Thursday, April 11 and Thursday, April 18. I am looking to hear from anyone who saw these gigs with their memories – however vague. Most local newspapers at the time were quick to report details of any act that failed to make a gig. For the group to have cancelled a show (or both shows) seems highly unlikely. By coincidence, Episode Six (including future DP members Roger Glover and Ian Gillan) were also at The Cobweb that week, on the Saturday. These dates are previously undocumented in Purple’s history – 30 years ago, their UK debut was placed as having been in Warrington but that gig turned out to be much later, in August. These two gigs pre-date the band’s Danish tour which began on April 20 in Taastrup. I would imagine that The Cobweb shows were poorly attended (a new, unheralded band playing the first two of the venue’s Thursday nights) and the chances of now finding one of perhaps only a hundred or so now sexagenarians who were there – who is still around and still living in the area – are slim. Go ahead, prove me wrong, contact the newspaper or e-mail me. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. NIGEL YOUNG (

Keith Tooke  Hastings Observer 25th April 2014


Mick O’Dowd…Hastings Observer 2nd May 2014 

I was Deep Purple’s manger

TO put your readers’ minds at rest about who Deep Purple (Hastings branch) were here is a picture of the band with Tich Turner as lead singer. I was their manager for a time and they were previously called The Likes Of Us. It shows that we had the name before the other lot as the local group were gigging while the nucleus of the others were in Episode Six and in fact played the Cobweb after Deep Purple. Hastings has always been a hotbed of topline groups and artists appearing at the Pier, Witchdoctor, Cobweb and Aquarius clubs, to name but a few, over the years. Bowie often played at The Witchdoctor and Cobweb and Ronnie Wood played with The Birds there. There is a vast history of great gigs and shows in the history of this town. Not only that we have always had a wealth of musical talent of our own. If anyone is interested more information can be found on the excellent website SMART at Take a look and see.   MICK O’DOWD Ore

Nigel Young…..I’d sent HO a revised letter the same day as I sent that one in, saying it probably was the local DP (saw the contemporary press cutting on the local DP mentioning the club’s change of name). HO said okay they would edit but ran with the original letter anyway. THE Purple were already up and running and played their debut gig on 20th April. The guys from E6 didn’t join the group until ’69. There was yet another DP in 1967 – so at least three groups inspired by that song, all in the space of a year

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