H R Giger Dies

Andy Gunton….The artist H. R Giger, who died yesterday, didn’t just create the ‘Alien’.
He also produced some pretty iconic album covers, like the one below.
I remember buying this when it came out. Unfortunately the cover art was better than the album inside.


Phillip Meston…..Agreed, not one of ELP’s better moments! Have to admit to owning this and many more of their albums though…

John Storer…..Always thanked the overblown ELP for killing off progressive rock and opening the door for punk, but would actually forgive them everything for the sublime “From The Beginning” from Trilogy

Will Cornell….A collection of Giger covers would be great…but: Let’s not forget the infamous poster that came inside with the DK’s “Frankenchrist”. The poster that eventually deep-sixed the band itself.

Tony Court-holmes….epic

Jim Breeds….Gosh, yes! I didn’t have the album, but I still have the free 33 1/3 flexidisc that NME gave away!! If I remember the story correctly, there was no track called Brain Salas Surgery on the LP. It was then released of the free flexidisc as one of two tracks. The other track is “Excerpts From BSS”, split into 8 pieces. The paper cover on the disc is the same as the album, but opens up down the middle to reveal further art work and the single. I don’t know whether the original album did that too. I could scan it to demonstrate what I am trying to describe if anyone is interested (and scan the disc too).

Colin Norton…..Hi Guys, I also have a copy of the flexi…. Sorry

Jim Breeds…..My flexi value is tumbling in front of my eyes. Another pension plan hits the rocks

Steppin’ Out – Dance Dance Dance & Hurt Again 1976




Dubbed from an old cassette, (Originally recorded in 1976 – Hastings).

Written by Martin Stringer arr. Steppin’ Out.

VOX – Martin Stringer, VOX – Tich Turner, ALTO SAX & B/V- Wesley Magoogan
LEAD GUITAR & B/V – Roger Hubbard, RHYTHM GUITAR & B/V – Little Stevie Whitefield
DRUMS – Andy Knight, BASS GUITAR – Martyn Baker

Janine Anne Hemsley….I love it

Andre Martin…..Interesting – very mid 70s disco structure would gone down well with the glam/disco music in that time – good find.

Martyn Baker….Here is a recording with the final lineup. Kevin Hoad had taken over the drumstool, Pete Prescott had replaced Martin Stringer by then. We decided to split the band up shortly afterwards.


935003_10151699947769287_870860994_nphoto supplied by Pete Prescott

Pete Prescott……I remember that gig.i was very much in awe of everyone in the band.also i was still living in north kent.i used to travel down wednesday nights and weekends.tich was amazing as a frontman.didnt know why they needed me.throw in wes and roger h.amazing band.i moved to hastings on christmas eve 77.the band split up on new years eve ha ha ! i was left stranded in a town i didnt know.bit tough for a while.but it picked up a year later with the jims.i think we did smoke on the water at that gig with ray for the first time.he had that yamaha.great guitar.