The Creation

Will Cornell from America posted the question….. the more I hear them on the Nuggets II box set, I can’t figure out how The Creation was not as huge an import over here as Small Faces, Yardbirds, The Who, any number of other Brit bands of that time. Wonder what went wrong? They were awesome what little I’ve heard.

Alan Esdaile……They only had one big hit here was ‘Painter Man’. Later recorded by Boney M. Never were that massive here but featured on loads of compilation albums.

Will Cornell….Apparently the youtube posts say they should’ve been bigger over there too….I’ve not heard Painter Man, maybe I need to find a whole Creation CD.  Maybe the Shel Tamy connection was an impediment–he was too busy with the Kinks and Who. People forget other stuff Andrew Loog Oldham and George Martin did too, ya know. Ah well, found me a collection of their stuff (maybe the “compleat”) that has both mixes of “How Does it Feel…” and the aforementioned “hits” and it’s on my wish list.

John Storer…..What a coincidence …. shortly after this single was released, Kim Gardner from The Birds (see post ante) joined The Creation on 1967 and his best mate, Ronnie Wood, joined in 1968 after he, too, left The Birds

Will Cornell…..Cue up the Theremin music –that IS weird. I didn’t know Wood joined them so late. Here’s another weird thing–there is a fellow licensed products sales rep over here like myself named Kimm Gardener who was/is bassist for S.Calif punk band Channel 3. (theremin: Oooooh ooh ooh ooooooh! ) They were on the great late Enigma/Restless records. Gee wonder why no one has bought up that roster and reissued some of it. They truly had some great bands. One of the cutout lines I sold bought their remaining stock in the early 90s and I had a field day going thru their Little Rock Arkansas warehouse pulling stuff they sold to me for cost–Game Theory, Mentors, Tex & Horseheads, Mojo Nixon, Dead Milkmen, 45 Grave, Plasticland many more….they were up there with 4AD in the 80s, I tell ya..

1 thought on “The Creation”

  1. What a coincidence …. shortly after this single was released, Kim Gardner from The Birds (see post ante) joined The Creation on 1967 and his best mate, Ronnie Wood, joined in 1968 after he, too, left The Birds


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