Mickey Finn and The Blue Men – Hastings Pier 15th Aug 1964 by Andre Martin


mickey finn

all cuttings Andre Palfrey-martin collection

Andre Martin… Are we sitting comfortably, now is the time for the next episode of the History of The Happy Ballroom on Hastings Pier, its Saturday 15th August 1964, the excitement of the Bank Holiday has now gone, although the moaning and groaning of the authorities still continues. Bt we have 2 groups on the Pier tonight – headlining are Mickey Finn and The Blue Men, and in support, another of our regulars Earl Sheriden and the House Shakers. 8.00pm – 11.45pm all for 6/- [ 30 pence in todays money] plus the benefit of the breezy walk to and from the ballroom, and the use “of the Longest Bar in Town”
Here is some background to the headliners – Mickey Waller, also known by the stage name Mickey Finn, was an English guitarist. He started out with instrumental band “The Strangers” in Bethnal Green, East London, in the Summer of 1961. In 1963 Waller adopted the name Mickey Finn – after having heard about the drummer named Micky Waller – and joined with John “Fluff” Cooke (keyboards), John Burkett (bass), Alan Marks (lead vocals) and Richard Brand (Drums) to form “Mickey Finn & The Blue Men”, who released their debut single in January 1964. Jimmy Page recorded with the band over the following months. With Burkett replaced by first Mick Stannard in late 1965 and then Rod Clark, the band were renamed “The Mickey Finn” in 1966. They released four more singles, the last of which, “Garden Of My Mind”, is their most well known song and has become a cult favourite despite failing to chart at the time.
Over in the Kingsway Studios in London RSG was well received last night – Friday 14th August, with a really good line up. Including – scheduled guests: –Georgie Fame –Swinging Blue Jeans–The Naturals – “I Should Have Known Better” –Alexis Korner and Blues Incorporated –Johnny Milton and the Condors –Julie Grant.
Along the prom at the Witch Doctor, the crowds were still being pulled in by the 7 nights a week programme Saturday – Denny Saten & The Sabers with The Hustlers : Sunday – John Best and The Challengers : Wednesday – Grant Tracy & The Sunsets and Friday The Discs. Plus – Records on the other nights. Ticket prices between 1/6d and 6/- and everybody out to catch the last bus home ! How things have changed.                                            Andre Martin

Robert Searle… A good find.

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