Tony May… Here’s a new subject matter for you! As part of my research into Simon Griffiths (Carl) life I compiled the following list of Roadhows/Mobile Discos from the local paper ad’s…
Labrath Disco Roadshow
Discorama (Mik Kasey- Kris Kelly)
Bisto Disco
Disco Trax
Sex Machine Disco
Dynasound Discotheques (Andy Durrant)
Beau Disco
Chris James Music Machine
Mach 2000 Stereo Roadshow
Hi Security Disco
Mik Kasey Soundshow
Frisco Disco
Stardust Sounds Disco
Gerry Morgan Mobile Discoteque
Footloose and Fancyfree Disco
Simon James Disco
Rob Wallis Roadshow
Kelly Pound Disco Show
Tommy’s Discomania
Style 04 Disco
How sad it is to think how many mobile jocks there used to be and yet all now (pretty much) have been replaced by a laptop and a playlist. if anyone has any pics, thoughts or memories on this subject please let me know as I would love to write an article for ‘Hastings Town’ on all this…
Peter Bridger… You can add the Wipeout Roadshow to that list though I don’t think we could ever afford to advertise. I was the transport on account of having a Reliant Van!
Dawn Leaney… Silver Star Disco…. D.J s were big Baz and Allen Mills anyone remember this?
Mick O’Dowd… I should have been on the list as I was mobile during these times as well as promoting. I used Steve Fox & Labrath Roadshow for alot of gigs. Anybody know what happened to Steve?
Leigh Wieland-Boys… Detroit Disco were very popular in the 70s – the DJ was Roger Gerrish, used to hire them for work socials