supplied by Adrian Samuel
Adrian Samuel…. Mine are: bad haircuts or Chopper bikes?
Philip Meston… Great music!, Bruce Lee?
Neil William Michael McGuigan… light and bitter
Mick O’Dowd… Glam Rock!
John Wilde… Jimi Hendrix, Marc Bolan, Roxy Music, Ziggy Stardust, Loon pants, Bedsit home, Far out, Too much, King Crimson, smiley face
Yvonne Cleland… Glam rock, big lapels, platform shoes, baggy trousers, The Anchor, The Nelson, Pump-House, The Lido, The Fiesta, La Boheme, Hastings Pier, High School, Hastings College, Castle Bexhill, 1976 heat, Cool man, Jethro Tull
Chris Meachen…. Bad clothes, great beer, music & fun…
Caz Simpson… This will sound like a line from Harry Potter but ‘He who cannot be named’ and my lickle boy born November 1970. x x
Ralph Town… Great Days
Virginia Davis… Glam rock and flares
Lauren Gower… David Bowie
Andy Qunta… All kinds of great music!
Will Cornell… Ohh, too easy: Disco Sucks! also: but….is Watergate one word or two?
Wendy Weaver… Hipster trousers, bright colours (for the men too), long hair put up into huge loops on top of the head with back combing that would take about a week to comb out, hot pants platforms lapels etc. life In London
Leigh Wieland-Boys… Loons & lovebeads! Summer 1976
Jenny Tyler… Mismatched clothes. X
Alan Esdaile… What’s Happening, Hastings Pier, Right On, Groovy Baby, pans people,
Mick Mepham… Enough said!! Good idea!
Pete Fairless… Two words for the whole decade? Growing up
John Storer… Newcastle Brown; Double Diamond; Peter Stuyvesant; Millers Arms; Oddfellows Arms; Pump House; (I detect a bit of a theme here) and a couple for Mr Cawthraw …. Mah Jong; Putting League
Chris Sambrook… Getting drunk (on Hastings Pier every Saturday night to see or try to see a band).
Eric Cawthraw…. John Storer – you’ve been reading my mind Mah-jong & putting league eh, well here are more two word sound-bites for the 70s: Sixties ended! Left school, drinking thunderstorms, Pier Ballroom, Brighton Dome,Pump House, Mr. Cherries, all nighters, met wife, eldest born, Stylus Records, Virgin Clocktower, Captain Beyond, Wishbone Ash, Amon Duul, Tago Mago,Guru Guru, Samantha’s Rabbit…… this could go on and on, it’s addictive, so I’ll stop there!
Philip John… Far Out !
Richard J Porter… Mortgage and children.
Newcastle Brown; Double Diamond; Peter Stuyvesant; Millers Arms; Oddfellows Arms; Pump House; (I detect a bit of a theme here) and a couple for Mr Cawthraw …. Mah Jong; Putting League
Getting drunk on Hastings Pier every Saturday night to see or try to see a band [ [silly old sod].