Chris Meachen… I wouldn’t dream of paying for something I couldn’t physically possess, I’d feel ripped off..
Tony May… This article seems to me to one designed to try and stem the flow of the demise of the music industry in general. I really do NOT believe that many people are happy to pay £0.99 for a single down load with the way finances are today. The digital age has made it far too easy for people to file share and unlike ‘home taping’ this time one disc can hold HUNDREDS of whole albums! It is SO sad the way things have panned out and I always try and buy the physical product when possible but I doubt very much many younger than me (well, 10 or so years younger) still do. With houses being built with less room than ever now ‘collecting’ anything is a dying thing as well…
Peter Fairless… How are CDs holding up? Anyone got any really early ones – do they still play?
Dave Nattress…Tony – As a music fan for very many years – and a purchaser of contemporary music since about 1964, vinyl, then some pre-recorded cassettes and CD’s, I have always been satisfied that I paid for the product and thus it’s mine, I own it, and to me most importantly of all, whatever deal the band or individual have been on, because I bought it and didn’t copy it or pirate it in some way, then the artist/s got paid something for their work. I truly mean this. The times I’ve said to friends that by buying it, even if the band are on £1.00 an album split 4 ways, (after all the other costs have been taken), at least they’ve got a bit out of it. This said I have burned copies of a few real precious CD’s just in case I should lose the originals and I used to copy vinyl’s on to cassettes for playing in the cars I’ve owned back to about 1971. Still have all these old cassette copies stored in the loft – the originals are in the house, with the vinyl’s and CD’s. In fact I have bought a good chunk of my vinyl recordings on CD as they’ve come out or as I’ve discovered them. Even some pretty obscure stuff. Peter – my earliest CD purchases go back to 1990 and they play fine. There were several reports a lot of years ago now that said that CD’s would degrade and become unplayable – only time will tell.
Jim Breeds… I think my earliest CDs are fine, but then I held out for vinyl for years, only giving in when my then partner bought me a portable CD player for my 40th. Yes. That long ago. Then I got an adaptor that plugged into the cassette slot in my car and that was good. My cassettes are still OK too 🙂
Tony – As a music fan for very many years – and a purchaser of contemporary music since about 1964, vinyl, then some pre-recorded cassettes and CD’s, I have always been satisfied that I paid for the product and thus it’s mine, I own it, and to me most importantly of all, whatever deal the band or individual have been on, because I bought it and didn’t copy it or pirate it in some way, then the artist/s got paid something for their work. I truly mean this. The times I’ve said to friends that by buying it, even if the band are on £1.00 an album split 4 ways, (after all the other costs have been taken), at least they’ve got a bit out of it.
This said I have burned copies of a few real precious CD’s just in case I should lose the originals and I used to copy vinyl’s on to cassettes for playing in the cars I’ve owned back to about 1971. Still have all these old cassette copies stored in the loft – the originals are in the house, with the vinyl’s and CD’s. In fact I have bought a good chunk of my vinyl recordings on CD as they’ve come out or as I’ve discovered them. Even some pretty obscure stuff.
Peter – my earliest CD purchases go back to 1990 and they play fine. There were several reports a lot of years ago now that said that CD’s would degrade and become unplayable – only time will tell.