Fairport Convention’s Dave Swarbrick dies


Dave Swarbrick (Fairport Convention) in AVRO’s TopPop (Dutch television show) in 1972

Photo source: Beeld En Geluid Wiki – Gallerie: Toppop 1972


Jim Breeds… I’m devastated by this news. He’s been ill for many months but his recent Facebook messages had given me optimism. A musical genius and a true wit, this is so upsetting. I value the few short conversations I’ve had with him at various gigs over the years. Thinking of Jill, Issy and and the rest of the family. ‘Farewell, Farewell.’ I’ve seen him so many times since Fairport. Mainly with Martin Carthy. A great loss.

Patrick Lewis… This is really sad news. A superb musician. Fairport were at there best when he was with them – Babbacombe Lee, Full House etc

Chris Giles… Very very sad …a brilliant musician … And will sadly be a great loss

Alan Esdaile… another Great. R.I.P. Dave Swarbrick.

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