Stevie Zee with Pete Shaw – Beach Concert Hastings – 2000

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photos © Eddie Hazell Estate . photos for sale for donation to St Michaels Hospice.

Peter Shaw…..Hey guys, that’s the indomitable Stevie Zee with me behind my ’68 Ludwig…bass was I think occupied by Sir Colin Gibson…but it could’ve been Meister Terry Pack! Stevie, Colin and I performed at an internet televised gig from a London club after Colin and I took part in a rather delicious up market meal!  Great energy from The Zee!!

Phil Gill….Stevie Zee with Peter James Shaw on drums and me on bass.I remember Sambalanco had consumed all the hospitality beer by the time we got off stage

Ralph Town…..Stevie zee…really great guitarist.He used to have a second hand music store in Claremont,just down from the keyboards place

Pete Shaw….Aha, sorry Phil Gill, elements of my memory fail me! But, I do remember that Stevie Zee often used a face, so well known to us, of Bruce Forsythe in pain whilst cracking out searing guitar solos in one of those chords and keys that he knew…!! But, again, I did enjoy the gigs!!

Terry Pack….I played with Stevie for most of 1999. We did a lot of gigs up north with Chris Sharley on drums, including Burnley Blues Festival. My last gig was The Black Horse Festival that year. I think he went back to Spain…

Pete Shaw… There I am…dark glasses on sit tin’ behind my ole Ludwig at The Beach concert!

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