Leonard Cohen dies at 82



Alan Esdaile… One of the GREATS. Leonard Cohen songs took you to places that no one else did. Lyrics of pain, emotion and more. R.I.P.

Josie Lawson… R.I.P.Leonard Cohen.

Dave Nattress… Yet another great loss, but of course, our memories live on. Well do I recall listening to the album “Songs of Leonard Cohen” at an old mate’s spooky attic flat in Bexhill, would have been 1969 or thereabouts, lights down low, wind whistling through the windows. So long ago, but so vivid also.

Jim Breeds… Farewell Lenny.

Alan Esdaile… Over the years a few people have said to me, you like depressing music like Leonard Cohen. This used to upset me, as never considered it myself as depressing. If anything when your down it can be very up lifting to share that emotion. I realise how lucky I am to get it and sorry for others that don’t feel what I feel.

Patsy Davies… Very sad news

Jim Breeds… I’ve always found his work uplifting, not depressing.

Peter Fairless… Sorry to say, I’ve never found it depressing, just boring


1 thought on “Leonard Cohen dies at 82”

  1. Yet another great loss, but of course, our memories live on. Well do I recall listening to the album “Songs of Leonard Cohen” at an old mate’s spooky attic flat in Bexhill, would have been 1969 or thereabouts, lights down low, wind whistling through the windows. So long ago, but so vivid also.


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