Ken Dodd receives knighthood from Prince William 2nd March 2017


Photo by David A Ellis – Civic Hall Ellesmere Port in January 2007

Alan Esdaile… Well deserved, a true star.

Peter Fairless… Did he pay any tax?

Matt Thomas… A bit doddery these days though

Glenn Piper… About time

Chris Meachen… How tickled he is…!

Ernest Ballard… All the way Notty Ash.

Alan Esdaile… happiness is the greatest gift he possess.

Clifford Rose…  Saw him a few years ago in Eastbourne. His show didn’t finish till 00:30.

Derek Johnson… Here you are Beckham someone who really deserves a Kighthood, he didn’t have to write for it.

David Miller… How tickled he is…!

Alan Pepper… By Jove ! What a lovely day for giving Diddy a Gong !!

Nigel Ford… I wonder if they managed to get away before midnight?