Chuck Berry dies


Jan Warren… Oh Noooo, what a legend!! – R.I.P dear Chuck!! 

Pete Millington… The master of R&R lyrics – what a terrible loss but what a legacy RIP Chuck Berry

Will Cornell… Well, he was 90 so he had a great life but what confounds me is of all the original rockers, Jerry Lee and Little Richard are the ones left standing. I would have figured them to be among the first to depart this mortal coil!

Jan Warren… yes, absolutely Will, I was brought up with the “rockin’ rythms” of Jerry Lee, Little Richard, Elvis, Chuck Berry etc, all “greats” of that time!! 

Harry Randall… The father of rock and roll! Go,Go,Johnny be Good!

Wendy Weaver… Another great gone. RIP

Andy Qunta… There goes a true legend!

David Miller… He Rocked

Chris van Rock… Amazing influence on modern music

Paul Morfey… Roll over Beethoven, time for some ‘Rock and Roll’ music in heaven!! R.I.P.

Patrick Lewis… Along with Buddy Holly the greatest influence on modern popular music.

Alan Esdaile… R.I.P. Chuck Berry and thank you, we couldn’t have done it without you.

David Miller… Particularly for guitarists of a certain period, it was a rite of passage to learn how to play Johnny B Goode. Along with all the other classics, I have a great soft spot for “No particular place to go”. Love that opening – “Riding along in my automobile”. The brown-eyed handsome man knew what to do with words as well as music. A poet.

Gary Sykes… Sad day.

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