Barry Newton… My first job in 1962
Mick Wright… We still do
Jim Hobbs… Another job mostly consigned to history.
Tony Gainsborough… Gold top, Silver top, Red top
Pete Prescott… Very well. I was also an occasional milk monitor at school. A big deal when your six ! I remember it freezing in the winter of 63 the tips being pushed out as it froze. A shame they are almost gone. I here they were fantastic for alerting services if someone was unwell in remote villages when milk wasn’t taken in. They were the only contact some people had. I remember the sound of them coming to deliver some morning’s. I think Paul McCartney said he knew he had a hit when he heard the milkman whistling a song he’d written.
Angela Frances Gardner… Of course and having to put cups outside for the milkman to cover the bottles to stop the bluetits piercing the lids for the cream!
John Coleman… They won’t forget Ernie!
Pete Prescott… My mum and dad collected the bottle tops to string accross the lawn to keep the birds off.
Alan Esdaile… Remember arriving back from gigs about the time that the milkmen started their rounds. After a shattering night, nothing better than a cool pint of milk before bed.
Dave Nattress… Of course and those electric milk-floats – 3 wheelers were they with whining engine noises? You could get a small bottle of strong orange squash – really nice although I’m sure it was squash and not juice back then. Also, a waxy carton of strawberry milk, and they used to have a few groceries on board as well. And of course it was well rumoured the milkman got special favours if the odd lady couldn’t afford to pay the bill!
Jake Nelson… We still get ours delivered, it’s nice to keep the old traditions going. And as someone said, milkmen (& postmen) do a social service sometimes in spotting trouble.
Barry Newton… In the days of the 58 club and I was on the milk I was known to get back into Rye and sleep in my milk float as it was not worth going home to bed, happy days, lol
Chris Sambrook… As a kid i’d like the sound of a milk float in the early morning and know Gold Top was being delivered ready for morning Cornflakes before School. All was well with World listening to the sound of wonderful Radio London munching away in the kitchen. I don ‘t know if it is me but Milk tastes better out of Glass bottles. Mind you saying that at Priory Road Secondary Hastings the milk always tested sour. Over to Pete, School Milk monitor.
Pete Prescott… I loved it in winter when it was cold and hatred it in summer when it was hot and tasted off !
Janette Clare Morfey… We still get ours delivered. Its just as good as it used to be. X
Stevie Zee… My first job when I was 13! Milk boy. Getting up at five in the morning at weekends to do the milk round in Sanderstead and Selsdon!
Jilly Jones… I still do
Of course and those electric milk-floats – 3 wheelers were they with whining engine noises? You could get a small bottle of strong orange squash – really nice although I’m sure it was squash and not juice back then. Also, a waxy carton of strawberry milk, and they used to have a few groceries on board as well.
And of course it was well rumoured the milkman got special favours if the odd lady couldn’t afford to pay the bill!
We still get ours delivered, it’s nice to keep the old traditions going. And as someone said, milkmen (& postmen) do a social service sometimes in spotting trouble.
As a kid i’d like the sound of a milk float in the early morning and know Gold Top was being delivered ready for morning Cornflakes before School. All was well with World listening to the sound of wonderful Radio London munching away in the kitchen. I don ‘t know if it is me but Milk tastes better out of Glass bottles. Mind you saying that at Priory Road Secondary Hastings the milk always tested sour. Over to Pete, School Milk monitor.