Sarah Harvey… Looking back on your childhood years in the 60s, 70s (perhaps 80s), what would you have banned to Room 101? No Politics, No Religion, doesn’t have to necessarily be music related!
Barry Dyke… those school buses in Rheindahlen.
Nigel Sherwood… Henshall and one or two others excuse of teachers at HGS 😁
Kevin Sherwood… He always spoke highly of you
Phil Gill… Kevin, how could you tell? They only ever used our surnames in order to depersonalise us, it might have been you he spoke highly of.
Pete Fisher… I’d add haircuts to this list, and Henshall hauled me into his office regularly on this pretext…on one of these occasions, when I was 15, he told me he was very concerned, as he’d heard rumours that I was playing in a “beat group”, and told me I should be concentrating on school and homework, and steering clear of such decadence…didn’t have any effect!
Nigel Sherwood… Got me in about my hair , ranted about it being my responsibility . Pointed out my mother had turned me out well dressed ! Was wearing two tone tonic trousers and a striped Ben Sherman shirt , couldn’t make it up 😁
Phil Gill… That idiot Sporty Bourne once told me I wouldn’t be allowed to do games until I had my hair cut, said it was in my eyes and obscured my vision which made it too hazardous for me during sport. Frankly, I saw that as a win-win because I didn’t want to cut my hair or do sport. Also The school cross country.
Tony Davis… Milk of magnesia. My mum used to give me a weekly dose on the basis that prevention was better than cure.
Wendy Weaver… My mum used to call it “keeping you open”. 😫😫😝
John Wilde… The cane and slipper.
David Miller… Being made to sit on the dinner hall stage and not be allowed to leave until I’d eaten all of the dried-out gag-and-retch-inducing liver and the awful slabs of nauseating beetroot. Yum.
Chris Leek… Russel Brand…make the world a better place
Pete Fairless… Half the Radio 1 DJs, for starters..
Clifford Rose… music albums that lasted under 35 minutes.
Can’t say HGS were exactly Happy Days ! Old Chic Henshall didn’t welcome Council House dwellers with open arms
Sarah Harvey