Actor Peter Wyngarde dies

photo: 1976 by Allan Warren

Jim Breeds… I didn’t know he was still alive!

Chris Meachen… Was watching a programme narrated by him only the other night, & thought the same as Jim.. Pretty sure he lived in the old town at one time..

Kevin Burchett… when i left school at 15 i worked on a farm down powdermill lane battle and i used to ride my bike there but one day i got a puncture and had to leave my bike in battle and walk to pepperineye farm id just entered powdermill lane and stuck my thumb out to try and get a lift the rest of the way because i was running late and who stopped in a rolls royce Peter Wyngarde asked me where i was going i told him he said hop in and took me all the way to pepperingeye farm and when i pulled into the farm everyone stood there in awe lol i thanked him and he went on his way .funnily enough he looked exactly like he did in the tv programme. thanks for that Peter R.I.P

Mick O’Dowd… I think you are right Chris. He did live in the Old Town for a while.

Ernest Ballard… Huge talent

Paul Redfearn… Sad, but a good innings.

Andrew Freeman… Didnt he once live in Old Hastings House in Old London Road? Be in the 60’s or 70’s

Mike Mitchell… Used to have a house at the bottom of Old London Road. I seem to recall sneaking up to the front door, ringing the bell and running away. The drive was quite long and a bit spooky so we thought we were quite daring…

Harry Randall… Yes he did I remember from my school days Kevin.

Ralph Town… Bloody good actor.

Paul Crimin… He was camp before anyone knew what it meant. With style.

Denis Torrance… Rest in peace Peter


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