Who remembers Crossroads with all the wobbly sets?

Nastassja Kaschevsky… Always used to watch that!

Peter Fairless… David Hunter!

Eric Peckham… Miss Diane!!!

Chris Meachen… My mum used to be glued to it ..

Keith Cowper… Then there was the cleaning lady with the brim my accent who always forgot her lines!! Meg Richardson kept it all together though!

Andrew Reid McDuffie… The Brum cleaning lady, was……Amy Turtle!! Or…Oimy Toortle

Lucy Pappas… We used to rush home for school to watch!

Dennis Torrance… My mum used to love crossroads nobody in my house got no tea until it had finished and was not allowed to talk either so funny . I used to laugh at it moving walls and remember when somebody said someone answer that phone and the phone rang. The actors must have been under some much pressure doing that series. My mum brought the wedding album LP it was wrist cutting time lol

Nick Prince… Amy Turtle played by Ann George. When Crossroads MKI was on its enforced deathbed by Central Television, they brought back Amy Turtles ghost.

Dave Nattress… Jill Richardson and Miss Diane I thought were a bit tasty back in the day. It was OK back then. Like so much old stuff I think fondly of it now and so what if by today’s standards of soaps it didn’t have sensational story lines like a fleet of Martian UFO’s crashing into Coronation Street or an outbreak of Black Death in Eastenders.

Rontenn 2001… I always used to watch it & love it. I am a “Brummie” & often saw some of the stars in the city centre in their free-time.

Judie Struys… Doris Luke! Stole every scene

Eddie Caffrey… Sue Nicholls Where will you be single…..still have my PYE record…later Audrey] in Corrie

Nick Prince… Sue Nicholls was the first Soap Star to have a hit single. She starred in Crossroads as Marilyn Gates when the song was released in 1968. Although Mike Sarne and Wendy Richards Come Outside was a hit in 1962, Wendy would be over 20 years off from being a soap star.

Jeanette Jones… My flat mate loved it, but took it very seriously & used to get cross with me when I was helpless with laughter, once she understood what I was laughing at! I have that effect on people! These days I don’t watch TV, indeed don’t own a TV

Jeff Belton… Sorry, not a Crossroads fan, but used to have a crush on Miss Diane. Was Benny really that thick ? Or was it a clever actor playing him ? Lol.

Lyn Humphrey… I agree with you, Dave, I now look back fondly at those ’60s episodes. I never ‘officially’ watched it, but nonetheless seemed to know what was going on there, and secretly became quite interested in some of the cheesy story-lines. Mind you, that episode with the UFOs crashing into Coronation Street was a cracker!


4 thoughts on “Who remembers Crossroads with all the wobbly sets?”

  1. Gill Richardson and Miss Diane I thought were a bit tasty back in the day. It was OK back then. Like so much old stuff I think fondly of it now and so what if by today’s standards of soaps it didn’t have sensational story lines like a fleet of Martian UFO’s crashing into Coronation Street or an outbreak of Black Death in Eastenders.

  2. I agree with you, Dave, I now look back fondly at those ’60s episodes. I never ‘officially’ watched it, but nonetheless seemed to know what was going on there, and secretly became quite interested in some of the cheesy story-lines. Mind you, that episode with the UFOs crashing into Coronation Street was a cracker!


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