The Kult bet & more…


supplied by Jennifer Grist via Robert Searle

Pete Fairless…..Did they manage it?

Have not been able to find out if this happened?

Andre Martin……I have a memory of The Kult being in the Regent a couple of times, playing with UTD, perhaps the were deps – can not recall much else, but with keep digging. I recognise the name KULT from Hastings Pier Adverts.

Geoff Peckham….I was a big fan of the Kult, Andre. I saw them many times in the late 60s in and around Bexhill. They played blues based rock, some Cream covers and long instrumentals. Great guitarist called Sunshine. Was thrilled to support them once at Ninfield Memorial Hall.

Andre Martin…..Thanks Geoff, that now all falls into place, as I said they were either depping a member of the UTD or perhaps they were replacing them for a night in the old Regent Thursday sessions – this would have been around late 1967, I just remember the brothers, somehow the mention of Moor Hall came into the conversation, all those years ago – too many to really remember. Ninfield Memorial Hall, was that not the wooden building on the road between Ninfield & Sidley – I think that I even did a gig there in the last 1960s. – Small world.

Robert Searle…..I was the bass player after Mick O’Driscoll left.

Geoff Peckham…….Yes. I saw you with them. And with Mick too. Didn’t (Paul?) Freeman play drums with them towards the end?

Robert Searle……Thats right .Paul played drums after John Hales (custer)left.

Andy Qunta…..Love The Kult! One of the first “local” bands I saw when we first moved to the Hastings area in late ’69. They seemed very professional for a so-called local band! My brother, Tony, & I had just l left boarding school at that time, and were just starting out being in a band (Static Emotion, with Chris Sambrook & Dave Austin). It was very inspiring to see how good The Kult were, & we hoped to be somewhere as good as that eventually!

Geoff Peckham…..I loved Whiskey Mac and UTD (great name!) too, but Kult were definitely my favourite local band. Pete O’Driscoll was a strong front man and they had something special. And DID they win the bet? Two grand was a lot of money then….it is now!

Sunshine aka Richard Melhuish… They did not win the bet…..that happened right before I joined the band. btw thanks for the memories too!

Dave Nattress… Kult, really great and seemed to play a lot around Bexhill in the late 60’s and early 70’s and I saw them a good few times in all the church halls around the area of the time, also the Granville in the “ball-room” down the stairs at basement level – I was underage but nonetheless used to get well oiled on stuff like Whitbread Tankard, mind you, you needed a lot of it. Best of all, supporting T2 at the De La Warr. Definitely set me on the way to liking Cream, heavy rock in general and so-called progressive rock.

Andy Qunta… Like Dave Nattress, I remember seeing the Kult at the Granville, and with T2 (another great band) at the DLW.

Geoff Peckham… Me too, Andy and Dave. T2 were brilliant. At the Granville gig, I remember Tom Jones getting up in his greatcoat and harp, singing a blues, possibly the Rock My Plimsoll. Can anyone confirm? I do remember playing there with Factory later, and the Kult’s Pete Driscoll was there. Afterwards, when pressed, he said my bass-playing was great but my G string was out of tune. S’funny what you remember!

Robert Searle… Geoff, I remember Tom Jones,a Geordie, great voice, whatever happened to him?

Alan Esdaile… I remember Tom Jones Robert, he sang with Effigy for awhile. Yes great voice, not sure what happened to him but difficult to search with a name like that!

Harry Randall… Remember talking to one of The Kult down the Regent while watching UTD he was full of chat but can’t remember his name always down there


2 thoughts on “The Kult bet & more…”

  1. They did not win the bet…..that happened right before I joined the band. btw thanks for the memories too!

  2. Kult, really great and seemed to play a lot around Bexhill in the late 60’s and early 70’s and I saw them a good few times in all the church halls around the area of the time, also the Granville in the “ball-room” down the stairs at basement level – I was underage but nonetheless used to get well oiled on stuff like Whitbread Tankard, mind you, you needed a lot of it. Best of all, supporting T2 at the De La Warr. Definitely set me on the way to liking Cream, heavy rock in general and so-called progressive rock.


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