Who remembers a fountain pen and blotting paper?

Roy Penfold… Due to being left handed, my hand was permanently blue down the outside edge for a few years whilst at school!

Jim Hobbs… Yep me too. It took me years to find a pen that I was happy to use.

Eric Peckham… Yep

Judith Monk… me too.

Lucy Pappas… Yep! Felt so grown up!

Mick O’Dowd… ‘fraid so.

Pauline Richards… And blotting paper in a glass jar to grow beans!!

Alan Parker… Still use a fountain pen now. you will not believe the price of a bottle of ink now.

Mike Guy… Hope it’s a Parker!

John Warner… Biro’s were banned at my school.

Elaine Stock… Loved to write with a fountain pen, but had them later with ink cartridge!

Martin Stoggell… Still Do

Pete Prescott…. Oh yes. Westreet School Erith. Ink wells and italic writing. I’ve only just got all the ink off !

Alan Pepper… Yes that takes me back to the late 60’s . Being left handed proved quite difficult
Had to have a reverse nib and remember making a mess ! Old Mr. Ralph was not impressed

Pete Prescott… Snap ! I’m a lefty !

Martin Richter… Pete, seeing a left-handed kid trying to write without covering themselves and the paper was painful. I worked with a guy who would do a really strange arm contortion with a clipboard in order to be able to write neatly – i’m not sure what he did – maybe he wrote upside down ?

Paul Chapman… The bottle of ink.. I can see it all now

Janet Rennie… Ooh love ink , blotting paper, doodles etc . Weird watching lefties write

Martin Stoggell… Politically biased I suppose


1 thought on “Who remembers a fountain pen and blotting paper?”

  1. Yes that takes me back to the late 60’s . Being left handed proved quite difficult
    Had to have a reverse nib and remember making a mess ! Old Mr. Ralph was not impressed


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