SMART Coffee meet 43 report

Our 43rd meet and among the newbies this time were Alan Pepper, Jan Warren and Gerry Powell.  Alan had with him a copy of The Federations Scallywags single which he gave to a very pleased Kevin Burchett, who has been trying to track down who sang this song, for years.  Alan was talking about his time as Al Richards DJ and when he did his impressions on a pilot for the First Impressions tv show. Jan finally made it at last and arrived with lots of Fusion Orchestra posters, The Beatles Hard Days Night souvenir book, The Kult photo, The Four Tops , Free and others from the Fairfield Halls Croydon, Rolling Stones picture disc and a pile of cassettes including The Walker Brothers, Barclay James Harvest, Spencer Davis Group etc. Gerry Powell was talking about when he was working on Radio Caroline as Tony Kirk and memories of the Dutch police raid on the ship. Also he had with him a very rare tour programme from 1967 featuring Chuck Berry and Del Shannon. Pete Prescott had with him Bob Harris The Whispering Years book, Claire Hamill Stage Door Johnnies LP, as well as some bizarre LP’s from Peter Sellers, Arthur Lowe, David Kossoff Larkin Singing cockney songs and many more.  John Petri  had with him a huge bundle of guitarist cd’s which he was happy to give away to anyone that was interested. He also had with him a  cd of the Ouzo Brothers, as well as a cd of his own work under the title of Only Johnny P which I’m looking forward to listening to. The Ouzo’s featured John, Grant, Nigel, Rick Pentecost, Steve Demetri, Phil Gill and Phil Thornton and has been copied across from old cassettes. Kevin Burchett made a very kind donation of £300 from the Scalliwags reunion for Hastings Hospital Radio, thanks to Sid Saunders for taking the photos. Andre Martin was very pleased to announce he will have the first interview with the new mayor, on the Chris Gentry show on Conquest Hospital Radio next Thursday. Andre was also talking to Mick O’Dowd about the pier history. Sarah Harvey and Tony Davis were talking about the success of Hastings Rock and the recent gig at Azur with Coda and Eclipse. This is just a very small bit of what I remember, anyone who wishes to add anything interesting you were talking about, then please feel free to do so.

Jan Warren… Thanks for your lovely, warm welcome and hospitality, so nice to meet you all xx

Mick O’Dowd… Perhaps you will come out from under your stone more often now Jan. Nice to meet you.

Kevin Burchett… at the Smart meet on friday while making the conquest hospital radio donation i had a belated birthday present from scalliwagger Alan Pepper, an original Scallywag record by the band Federation thank you Alan

Jan Warren… Hi Alan, thanks for including me in your report, especially my Fusion Orchestra pics, as you have probably guessed I’ve always remained totally dedicated to this band, one of the best bands I’ve ever seen, I went to many of their gigs, and Jill (Saward) inspired me to sing and play musical instruments, she’s amazing!! – apart from that, it was so good to finally get to your meeting and to chat with some lovely, musical people!! ……. I forgot so many things I wanted to say, my mind went “blank” as soon as I entered the roomful of people, the same thing happens to me when I enter a shop full of “music” ……. cds, tapes, vinyl, I start looking through and cant for the life of me remember what I’m looking for???? haha, I should make a list!! – anyway Alan, I just wanna say you’re a fantastic “host” to your guests at the SMART meetings and on your SMART facebook group, you keep things running very well and organised and thanks for making me feel so welcome, I very much enjoy being part of this group, music has always been a huge part of my life from a very early age (thanks to my Dad!) and Hastings has always been MY childhood seaside town and remains so today!!  – thanks Alan!

Jim Breeds… I only made it for a brief 5 minutes before my pier meeting, but nice to meet you Jan. Next time, I’m sure!

Pete Fairless… Likewise. May get to a SMART soon!

Tony Qunta… Very sorry I missed the meeting this time. Look forward to the next one!

Kev Towner… When are you going to meet somewhere ACCESSIBLE!! LOL

Judith Monk… Thanks for including The Seekers pics. My brother Jerry was part of this. I must try and get to your next meeting.

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