Who remembers Lost In Space?

Jan Warren…  Yes, it was my fave Sci-Fi series!! 

Renato Goncalves Camargo Filho… I always want to have the “dangerous landing sound” as a ringtone, does anyone know it is available on youtube or somewhere else ?

Chris Meachen… Danger, Will Robinson…

Gary Sykes… Was Dr Smith gay?

Will Cornell…No but I’ll bet today he’d be accused of being a child molester. The hot blonde teen daughter was in a movie I caught on TCM recently about an island off the coast of S. Calif that was turned into a prison camp for those convicted of murder in the future (when the death penalty is abolished) and they had to forge their own society, which of course, turned barbaric. She was a left wing loon turned terror bomber. Sides are formed and she’s in the “good” side. She rigged up a bunch of homemade bombs. She and her boyfriend sneak into enemy camp and set booby traps, including one in the outhouse. Leader of the other group answers call of nature. Boom! Best line in the film, boyfriend to Lost in Space daughter terrorist: “That dude just took his last crap!” Will says five thumbs up, look for it….I forget name but one of Tom Selleck’s first films, IMDB will have it!

Ian Plater… Yes

Chris Sambrook… Robbie the Robot i presume. He was an over reactive Loon. Warning Warning.

Jake Nelson… Great series from yesteryear! You can get it on DVD. Danger!

Sarah Harvey… Robbie was just a bit highly strung. I was a Captain Zeppos fan myself

Jan Warren… No its not Robbie, Robbie was that big black robot and he did appear in at least one episode of Lost In Space! 

Renato Goncalves Camargo Filho… Exactly ! Robby the Robot is from a sci-fi movie “Forbidden Planet” but it appeared, not as ROBBY, on Lost in Space episode’s “War of the Robots”.

Joe Knight… Use to come home from school 😂😂

Phil Gill… Yep. You can find Bill Mumy here on Facebook, he’s really interesting.

Eileen Adams… My oldest daughter once asked ‘Mum why does that robot keep saying Morning Morning Will Robinson’ 😂

Kev Towner… The earlier black and white episodes are great, but the later colour ones are just awful!!

Pete Prescott… ME. every week.

Andrew Reid Duffy… Loved it as a kid. Doctor Smith and the robot. Hilarious. Seems like such a throwback now, hard to believe it was only a year or two before Star Trek

Janet Rennie… And land of the Giants

Trisha Ann… Never missed an episode

Iain Cobby… Thank heaven for Baco Foil

Alan Pepper… Hey that reminds me where’s my Robbie the Robot wind up toy ! Wish I’d kept that bad boy in it’s original box !

Clifford Rose… I could never work out why the Robinsons didn’t leave Dr.Smith when they could.

Andrew Reid McDuffie… He was a cheap babysitter, basically

Tony Ham… Got them all on DVD, and Land Of The Giants, Time Tunnel, Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea, The Invaders, they’re classics.

Conan Howard… you bobble head booby

Jan Warren… My favourite sci-fi series ever!!, it was funny too, loved their magical washing machine that used to deliver the shirts all washed, ironed and presented in bags like new?!! haha, and the banter between the very annoying Dr Smith, Robot and Will?!! and who remembers the almost nauseating performance of Will singing ” Greeeeeensleeeves”, hahaha, the brilliant fight between Robot and Robbie the robot?! the cheap scenery and props etc etc, I could go on,I still love it and I’ve still got some videos, hehe

Yvonne Cleland… Marvellous! Who was the narcissistic selfish self-obsessed uncle. The actor played him excellently!

David Francis… Dr Smith played by the wonderful Jonathan Harris. He kept trying to kill them but they always all forgave and laughed about the whole thing at the end of the show. The entire series was on recently. I was pleased to see how well it had stood the test of time. Funnier, cleverer and camper than I remembered.

Julie Findlay-jones… Yes loved it

Andrew Reid McDuffie… Hilarious, arch and wonderfully camp. Loved it as a kid. Utter bollocks of course and exactly the sort of thing that gave SF. A bad name but sooooo much fun

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