1960’s Slang Words

source: unknown

Josie Lawson… Wow!I love that. Will keep a copy. Back in the 80s/90s I had a penguin book of slang which I used for my writing and a phrase and fable book but really thought my writing had gone but it’s back along with a pep talk from Alan when he very kindly visited me in hospital. I really want to try and get back to short story writing along with a hopeful novel along with my favourite poetry being a poet. I have an electronic dictionary/ENCYCLOPEDIa and wish could get the other mentioned electronically also.
Thanks Alan for posting….

Terry Huggins… I think this is more American than English.

Jan Warren… Yeah Terry, I know a lot of it comes from Americanisms, has done for years! Love these too, remember them well and I’m sure there’s many more?! – funny how I hate the so called “slang words” used today??!! – especially “hub” and “station” as used for Nurses and School classes, fridges, prams etc ……. also “sick” “soz” ……… Ohhhh, there’s so many, am I getting old or something??!! haha

Tony Davis… Groovy man

Leigh Wieland-Boys… Oh Lordy…I still use some of the above!! Although boob tube was something completely different to me!!

Tony Davis… Me too. Usually a sparkly elasticated piece of ladies apparel

Terry Huggins… To me a blast was a toke on a joint, a boob tube was a type of woman’s top, Cuties was a word Frank Zappa and no one else ever used, Fox was a little wild dog that conservatives enjoy torturing and killing, Giimme some skin is completely new, Groovy and outa sight were soppy words that Americans and arty people used, hang loose meant dangle, rat fink was a childish expression that popped up in batman comics, bugs were Volkswagens, snowing down south is another new one, and we used to say unstuck rather than unglued.

Judith Monk… What about the ‘pussy pelmet’ or miniskirt!

Mick O’Dowd… Watch out! We’re getting into snowflake upsetting country!

Alan Esdaile… remember saying shut your cakehole

Janet Rennie… I still do haha. Also Funky

Yvonne Cleland… coool

Julian Jules Carter… There ya go!

Mike Guy… Fab, gear!

Leigh Wieland-Boys… Mardy?! When I used that after relocating down south no one knew what I meant…!


Felix – Ore Centre Rock Festival May 1975.


supplied by Roger Carey

Roger Carey (bass), Wesley Magoogan (Sax)

Wesley Magoogan… Blimey ! With a young Roger Carey !

Sarah Harvey… Great photo. I remember watching Felix rehearsing at St.Helens Church Hall and also remember organising the annual Ore Festivals….happy times. 🙂

Yvonne Cleland… Those were the days! Has Rog got any of the rest of the band?

Alan Esdaile… Sorry Yvonne , no other Felix ones at the moment but hopefully he will find some more. I do have some very good Pueblo ones to post soon.

Sarah Harvey… Samisen used to rehearse there as did a few other bands. Harry Williams was a big part of the Ore-Zodiac Community Association and I think the Town Council may have rehearsed at The Zodiac Centre (Formerly Round Table) in Priory Road.

Kev Towner… Reading all this stuff, I come away with the impression that everybody was in about five bands – at the same time!! LOL

Phil Gill… Still are Kev.

Conan Howard… found I have some photos of FELIX at the Carlisle when Samisen played at the same gig. will see if I can post them , if I cant do it I shall pass them over to SARAH to do it ….all the best CONAN

Dave Weeks… Bring back the Ore Centre rock festival.

Sarah Harvey… Funnily enough I thought of reviving it for old times sake but got enough to do right now with Hastings Rock

Yvonne Cleland… I was at that gig. I seem to remember that Will volunteered me to announce Felix!

Ernest Ballard… Great picture

Jo Turner… Me and Liz Turner. I remember this so well.

Tony Qunta… Great pic! Brings back wonderful memories

Colin Gibson… Is that a Burns bass Rog is playing? That was my first bass! It had a mini jack, so if your lead went, you were fucked!