supplied by Andrew Clifton
Andrew Clifton… Who remembers this bog roll?
Joe Knight… Smooth & ruff
Dennis Torrance… Bloody nightmare thanks won’t be using that again schools days
James Turner… It only pushed it about was not kind to the nether regions at all.
Jeff Belton… I do, didn’t use it, but came useful for tracing paper lol.
Glenn Piper… Unfortunately, yes, I do remember these
Jacqueline Marsh… Ouch yes I do!!
Aileen Mathieson… Tracing paper! Vey rough all it is good for lol!
Peter Brazier… Still got the Blooming scratches after 40 odd years! Devils Work That Stuff! Burn It! Burn It I Say!😂
Chris Jolly… IZAL The POINTLESS, USELESS, last resort paper..
Mark Gilham… Invented by a major in the Boer War if I remember rightly..
Eric Harmer… Not Major Bumsore ?
Michael Wilson… A piece of Izal and a comb made a great homemade Kazoo when you were seven
Chris Meachen… Arse polish: totally evil stuff & completely useless..
Ernest Ballard… Ha ha
Terry Har… Tracing paper
Barry Newton… I prefered the Daily Mirror, lol
Judie Struys… We had that at school AND at home. But I did live in Essex.
Mark Randall… You had toilets?!!
Jeanette Jones… Some things are really just best forgotten!
Dave Nattress… Great fun reading this one – Major Bumsore, a real smiler that!! Just what is it about bottoms/nether regions/toilet related things/foul and fruit-some flappy woof woofs, (courtesy Blackadder) poo poo’s and all those things that to us immature guys, (I’m only 64, mental age still 8), so funny. Toilet humour. Even the toilet graffiti artists of old used to put up some funny stuff. Good reading and all that. And the kazoo – dead right. Not much hair now, not needed a comb for years.
Pete Prescott… Holy smear Batman. Who the he’ll thought this was the best paper to use ??? When we had the first roll of soft paper it was heaven ! Tracing paper. Yes ! Used it for that !
Pete Millington… It polishes rather than removes – yuk
Joe Knight… Very slippery
Ian Quinnell… Who remembers Izal’s close relative, Bronco? “for the bigger wipe”
Alan Parker… ah yes , can’t beat a cup o’tea and a bronco roll
Dennis Torrance… Days of total horror having sometimes to use school loo with the dreaded toilet paper
Mark Gilham… Always felt sorry for the folk of Isleworth due to the similarity in name. Officially the asswipe capital of Britain no less.
John William Willis… The Outside Privy another horror to some people with its spiders there still 40000 still around
Pete Prescott.., Wax paper. Bloody awful.
Wendy Weaver… When I was growing up in deepest Dorset Bronco and Izal meant you were rich. The plebs had newspaper (if they were lucky)
Joe Knight… At least you could have a good read
Great fun reading this one – Major Bumsore, a real smiler that!! Just what is it about bottoms/nether regions/toilet related things/foul and fruit-some flappy woof woofs, (courtesy Blackadder) poo poo’s and all those things that to us immature guys, (I’m only 64, mental age still 8), so funny. Toilet humour. Even the toilet graffiti artists of old used to put up some funny stuff. Good reading and all that. And the kazoo – dead right. Not much hair now, not needed a comb for years.