Advert 1976 supplied by Barry French
Jim Breeds…Oh for a time machine!
Michael Wilson… Melody Maker, Sounds, NME, Record Mirror. I Brought from Smiths in Bexhill I think every Thursday.
I stopped buying Record Mirror after a while to save money. Then I stopped NME because they had a problem with The Damned and alway slagged the band off or didn’t even bother to review them.So I stopped buying the NME in protest. But I carried on with the other two until Sounds went out of business.
Mike Raxworthy… I was art director at Beat Publications – any musicians out there remember Beat Instrumental?
Andy Qunta… Loved it! Got every one I could!
Colin Norton… Yep, me too! Great magazine! I think that I still have mine in a box that I haven’t opened since we moved here 21 years ago. Think that I’ll do a little investigating
Chris Meachen… I used to buy the melody maker, after getting a bollocking for reading the copy that was part of my paper round before delivering it.. Would also by sounds occasionally, but never the NME which I always thought was a bit of a comic aimed more at the mainstream ‘pop’ audience..
Josie Lawson… Yes, remember buying the melody maker
Colin Fox… Used to buy Beat Instrumental every month
Mark Randall… same here, also International Musician, NME, Sounds, MM, Flexipop, and a shortlived weekly which had a blue masthead, but for the life of me can’t remember the title. Its terrifying to find things in one’s archive that you remember nearly every word in them. I was undecided as to buy a Ricky or Precision, an article in this made my mind up
Robert Searle… The musicians bible,the best music paper ever,wished it was still hear
Andy Qunta… Melody Maker every week, plus most of the other music papers & mags. Went off NME when they started slagging off the prog rock bands I liked!
Phil Gill… Pre-read MM every week I believe…
Andy Qunta… Phil Gill yes, proof-read & fully inspected by none other than the fabulous Roger Carey! Never a spelling mistake in any of our copies! Btw, for those who don’t know, Roger Carey was once our paper boy!
Mark Gilham… This was the best cover of course!
Jo Turner… Melody Maker yes. 😊 and we followed Melody Maker Battle of the Bands gigs in a minibus. So much music available and affordable in those days
🙂 and the paper was great for the info
Tony Davis… Used to buy NME on Thursdays and tea break at work in the morning was spent doing the crossword. I remember that Nils Lofgren was a regular clue.
Chris Sambrook… I won some Marshall amps in a competition in Beat Instumental in 1973 i think. Fat lot of use for an alledge drummer, Even got my picture in Sounds with a Marshall promotional ad. Can’t remember what ever happened to the gear now, possibly in some dusty old lock up somewhere dumped off on very peed up night, unless i left them in the Box Silverhill, dunno. 50 watt combo in purple and a 100 watt Cab in a horrible orange colour. Anyone knows where the Combo amp is i want it it back please.
Nigel Ford… Still got some MM’s and Disc & Music Echo after “Rave” in the late 60’s.
Robert Blackham… Melody Maker maybe was the best (IMO as NME seemed to cover ‘middle of the road’ stuff like Elgelbert Humperdinck etc into the early 1970s) though by the late 70s. I seem to remember that MM started to slag off progressive rock music, like NME was doing. ‘Sounds’ was a good music weekly for rock for a while. Occasionally had to buy Kerrang! to read about people like Jimmy Page – by the mid 80s.
Terry Hardwick… I used to find D Jing work in there
Nettie Baker… ‘Supply’ implies a commodity doesn’t it?
Pete Fisher… “bring” would have been better…
Dave Nattress… All the mags back in the day. Another worth a mention along with Beat Instrumental which was a glossy was “International Musician and Recording World”, also a glossy magazine. Great articles, interviews, masses of information and gear reviews and adverts.
Alan Pepper… Enjoyed reading Sounds in the mid seventies around the Punk explosion . Wish I’d kept them now . I remember my mum throwing away tons from my brother’s bedroom they were full of BEATLES and early 60’s !! DOH !!! NME’s that is …
Pete Fisher… started out with reading a friend’s NMEs around ’68, then bought Melody Maker till the mid 70s, and moved to Sounds in the 80s/90s…only bought Mojo from around ’95 onwards…don’t buy music papers now, but thoroughly enjoy reading the late 60s back issues posted on the The Melody Maker Says group page at FB.
I won some Marshall amps in a competition in Beat Instumental in 1973 i think. Fat lot of use for an alledge drummer, Even got my picture in Sounds with a Marshall promotional ad. Can’t remember what ever happened to the gear now, possibly in some dusty old lock up somewhere dumped off on very peed up night, unless i left them in the Box Silverhill, dunno. 50 watt combo in purple and a 100 watt Cab in a horrible orange colour. Anyone knows where the Combo amp is i want it it back please.
Still got some MM’s and Disc & Music Echo after “Rave” in the late 60’s.
Melody Maker maybe was the best (IMO as NME seemed to cover ‘middle of the road’ stuff like Elgelbert Humperdinck etc into the early 1970s) though by the late 70s I seem to remember that MM started to slag off progressive rock music, like NME was doing. ‘Sounds’ was a good music weekly for rock for a while. Occasionally had to buy Kerrang! to read about people like Jimmy Page – by the mid 80s.
All the mags back in the day. Another worth a mention along with Beat Instrumental which was a glossy was “International Musician and Recording World”, also a glossy magazine. Great articles, interviews, masses of information and gear reviews and adverts.
Enjoyed reading Sounds in the mid seventies around the Punk explosion . Wish I’d kept them now . I remember my mum throwing away tons from my brother’s bedroom they were full of BEATLES and early 60’s !! DOH !!!
NME’s that is …