cuttings 1965
Alan Esdaile… Always remember it was cheapest to go to the very top of the building.
Keith Veness… So high up there
Sid Saunders… I remember that there were wooden benches behind the top seats that we were not allowed to sit in.
Dave Nattress… The advert says it was on the seafront so whereabouts? I recall the other cinemas in Hastings and the Tivoli (was it) – the one in Norman Road, St Leonards but not one on the front. Or was it where the large amusements place has been for years along from Pelham Crescent?
Alan Esdaile… Yes the large amusement place which has a bingo club above.
Tony Court-holmes… saw rob roy there 4 times one week up in the gods. Remember Roxy silverhill, Curzon norman road and the flea pit now Yates god i feel old
Trevor Unwin… The flea pit was the Orion and yes we are old
The advert says it was on the seafront so whereabouts? I recall the other cinemas in Hastings and the Tivoli (was it) – the one in Norman Road, St Leonards but not one on the front. Or was it where the large amusements place has been for years along from Pelham Crescent?
Cheers Alan.