Number one album in the UK 15th April 1967
Pauline Richards… Loved them. Used to rush home from school to watch their tv programme!
Dave Nattress… I did buy this – also the first – not played for many years. Gonna dust it off and it’ll be interesting to see how I feel about it. Of course, The Monkees as a product of Americana and a bugeoning TV and music industry were much hyped, but a situation sort of, of it’s time, lots of that going on with some UK pop bands also, but, lets be serious, some bands and albums needed promotion by one means or another. It is what it is – it was what it was!
I did buy this – also the first – not played for many years. Gonna dust it off and it’ll be interesting to see how I feel about it. Of course, The Monkees as a product of Americana and a bugeoning TV and music industry were much hyped, but a situation sort of, of it’s time, lots of that going on with some UK pop bands also, but, lets be serious, some bands and albums needed promotion by one means or another. It is what it is – it was what it was!