Who remembers Z Cars?

Beki Milton…I remember that

Monica Bane… Remember this drama so well!  Liked the catchy music that went with it !

Jim Breeds… The programme was co-created by Allan Prior, father of Steeleye Span’s Maddy Prior.

Roy Penfold… And in a link to the local area, bass guitarist Roger Carey is now part of the group.

Peter Thomson… Filmed in Kirkby, Liverpool, the fictitious suburb of Newtown clearly identified strongly with that city. The theme tune is a reworking of an old folk song of those parts, and the Everton football team still march on to the pitch to the Z-Cars music.

Peter Houghton… I remember the TV series wasn’t one of the character called Fancy or something like that

Bob Cockburn… Fancy Smith I think.

Patrick Lewis… It was ground breaking TV drama. Great stuff.

David Kent… Fancy Smith was played by Brian Blessed before he became a professional shouter.

Pauline Richards… My favourite program of the time. And theme tune is used for Everton football !

Caroline Smith… I remember it really well; one of the few TV programmes we watched in the early 60’s. Brilliant scripts, brilliantly acted. The memorable phrase “Put it in the book”, from the Desk Sergeant. Zed Victor 1 and Zed Victor 2. I can still hum the Z-cars theme. (I didn’t know the interesting snippet that Maddy Prior was Allan Prior’s daughter!)

Mick O’Dowd… Wasn’t the theme tune done by Laurie Johnson who wrote/performed a lot of 60’s TV themes. One of my favourites was “SucuSucu” but the name of the show is hanging on tip of my tongue but….

Sid Saunders… It was the theme to the TV series Top Secret

Wendy Weaver… I didn’t have tele in 1962

Nigel Ford… Was it named because of the Ford Zodiac cars they used?….I’m not sure that they did drive such though?

Mick O’Dowd… it’s off my tongue now. It was “Top Secret”! Thanks Sid.



4 thoughts on “Who remembers Z Cars?”

  1. I remember it really well; one of the few TV programmes we watched in the early 60’s. Brilliant scripts, brilliantly acted. The memorable phrase “Put it in the book”, from the Desk Sergeant. Zed Victor 1 and Zed Victor 2. I can still hum the Z-cars theme. (I didn’t know the interesting snippet that Maddy Prior was Allan Prior’s daughter!)

  2. Wasn’t the theme tune done by Laurie Johnson who wrote/performed a lot of 60’s TV themes. One of my favourites was “SucuSucu” but the name of the show is hanging on tip of my tongue but….


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