Survivors TV Series 1975 – 1977 – who remembers this?

Anyone remember watching Survivors on tv in the 70’s? Wikipedia says… It concerns the plight of a group of people who have survived an apocalyptic plague pandemic, which was accidentally released by a Chinese scientist and quickly spread across the world via air travel.

Barry Hilton… Yes, absolutely freaked me out, but watched all of it!

Allyson Breeds… I’m gonna play the part of Jenny, she (I think) was the only character to last from episode 1 to the final episode!

Steve Thorpe… Remember this, art mimicking life at the moment!

Martin Richter… “and the band played on* is similar – stay safe x

Judy Atkinson… Remember this well

Peter Brazier… I don’t know how I missed this but I did! 😲 scary coincidence? I DON’T BELIVE IN COINCIDENCES!

Nick Shute… I remember this…was disappointed that there wasn’t a follow up series…..last episode ended with two of a group heading into the unknown in a hot air ballon…..featured a young Brian Blessed character called ‘Brun’ or ‘Bryan’ ?

Tim Moose Bruce… .think they did an up to date version a few years ago.

Nick Shute… yep…think the same thing happened again…..was meant to have another series that failed to happen …

Reid Mc… Nick, it ran for several seasons

Sophie Ash… The Seventies was a bit schizo. It had it’s Glam/Fun/Sex side but it also had it’s Ecology/Intellectualist/Dystopia-Fear side.

Andy James Long… I remember this, we used to watch the latest episode in college during our free study, or whatever it was called, period. Had a cool lecturer!

Judie Struys… Me too. I thought of it when I first heard about the spread of covid19.

Reid Mc…. This was an interesting series to start with. Once the survivors had established a community it became rather dull. Apart from one or two stories dealing with interesting ethical issues, it rapidly deteriorated into a sort of cozy post apocalyptic version of The Archers. Fascinating if looms or goat husbandry are your thing…

John Harper… Yep, remember it well but couldn’t recall the title. The present plague reminded me of it!

Peter Houghton… Yes i did it was a brilliant series well done

Jo Avery… Have all 3 series on DVD, the half keeps saying we should re watch it, I’d rather wait till this has passed!Great series, but very funny listening to everyone speaking so poshly as they did back then!

Alan Pepper… Same as me I don’t believe in coincidences either – how weird !!


Radio Sutch 1964 and Screaming Lord Sutch memories by John Warner

Photo: Colin Dale

John Warner… 1964, David (Screaming Lord Sutch) invited Steve Rigby and myself to visit his new radio station, Radio Sutch situated off of Southend in the shivering sands army fort. What a place, Sutch called it the Sh****use on stilts. The radio operations was worked by a large bank of car batteries and I don’t know what the range was but I believe that most of the listeners were probably fish. Anyhow we ate all of the food and drink on the first night as we were expecting to be picked up the next morning. The weather changed and we had 15 foot high waves. We were stranded for another 2 days and even then the boat struggled for 2 hours to get us off. Sutch who was making a personal appearance at the Flamingo in Wardour Street, Soho, thought it was hilarious, Happy days! Sadly David became bi-polar and took his own life in 1999. A great character.

Wendy Weaver… We saw him on the Pier at a Young Farmers disco not long before he died. He had Cynthia Payne with him.

Tim Moose Bruce… Saw him at the 1993 cuckoo fayre. Great gig. Hat on fire for when he did Arthur Brown’s Fire.

Jack Irving… We actually played “Great Balls of Fire” when he’d set his hat alight. I played with the Savages from 1978 until 1983 and again from 1990 until 1997. Apparently, I was his longest-serving drummer.

Tim Moose Bruce… There was lot of scrumpy downed that night at the cuckoo fayre. Afterwards we went back to a friends living wagon for more drink. One guy went out in the dark for a slash. We heard a howl of pain in the dark and found him on the floor holding his cobblers. Claimed someone had kicked him and wanted to fight them. He had actually peed on an electric fence!

John Warner… He made several appearances at the Star Ballroom. Maidstone and later at the Cellar Club in Kingston. All to capacity crowds.

Pete Houghton… He lived in George Street Hastings .And Lord Tiverton Had a house in George Street where Lord Sutch and Cynthia Payne had a room

Paul Huggett… Would have loved to have met him.

Nash Sunley… He went to my school, Percy Road in Kilburn

Paul Huggett… There is an internet station Radio Sutch dedicated to the great man, plays old Rock and Roll, R and B etc and his tracks. Some old time station promos and ads too.

John Warner… David will be listening in!

Brian Tanner…I met David Sutch at String fellows in 1980s and we went through our Percy Road school memories and the teachers. I was a few years younger so I did not know him from school. That night in String fellows Cynthia Paine was there with a couple of her girls offering under the table favours!

Steve Maxted… great story

Alan King… did you have enough luncheon vouchers?


Electricity Hastings – The Bathing Pool St Leonards advert

Source: unknown

Any idea what year?

Mike Guy… 2021?

Jane Hartley… Not long after it opened probably!

Willie Wicking… My wife’s uncle has an amazing video of the bathing pool of the Tarzan actor Johnny Weissmuller giving a diving exhibition must have been late 50s early 60s it only comes out at Christmas gatherings would love to do a screen shot to share when these troubles are past

Alan King… elec-trickery to quote Catweazel

Pete Fisher… Bathing Pool was opened in 1933, and I read that the first electric train (Ore to Brighton) was introduced in 1935. The first big coal-powered power station was built in Broomgrove in 1925. I’d guess this is mid 30s…

Phil Gill… Electric Bathing Land

Pete Fisher… Bathing At Baxters would be another candidate Phil.

Kevin Sherwood… Thats a great picture i have a couple of posters already is this available?
Very fond memories of the bathing pool brilliant in the summer holidays.

Alan King… together in electric wet dreams


Julie Felix R.I.P.

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Colin Norton… RIP Julie.

Andy James Long… Sadly gone to the zoo one last time.

Robert Searle… Still have Changes on Fontana RIP Julie Felix

Alan King… Did a gig with her about 25 years ago, Jimmy Page turned up

Edge St Leonards… Very sad, god bless you and RIP respect x

Eddie Larnerd Lane… In the 60s after her show in a pub in Colchester i had a few drinks with her lovely girl RIP Julie x

Peter Houghton… I’m so sorry to hear about this RIP Julie

Rontenn2001… Julie has always been amazing. A real true legend. R.I.P. Julie Felix.


Looking for more photos and cuttings.

Stuck at home, time to dig out those old photo albums, cuttings in the loft etc. that would be of interest to our members. Especially music related items from the Hastings area. One photo can cheer up hundreds of people and help to bring back those happy memories. Please email over, with as much detail as possible. Thank you.

Kenny Rogers R.I.P.

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Monica Bane… So sad a real legend great singer R I P!

David Natan… Rest in peace, Kenny!

Patricia Burgess… What a great talented man RIP

David Natan… Rest in peace, Kenny!

David Kent… Now we know what condition his condition is in.

Julia Armstrong… May his soul rest in peace

Rontenn2001… Kenny was brilliant…he’ll always be a real true legend.A brilliant singer,actor & writer.  XXX

Who remembers Jack Hargreaves asks Eugene Hughes

photo © Simon Baddeley

Val Shoesmith… Out of Town. How.

Steve Cooke… I used to love Out Of Town – spring starts to spring, the cuckoo starts to sing…

Geoff Peckham… Our playground version was, “Say what you will, school dinners make you ill…”

Mark Asseenontv Scutchings-Stevens… ………….. the countryside is still.

Eugene Hughes… Say what you will, the countryside is still. The only place where I could settle down.

Geoff Peckham… Troubles there are _ so much rarer…

Eugene Hughes… Out of town.

Nick Prince… Enthralling television…. He had a great laid back style of presenting

Gary Sykes… I think James May, the re-asembler is a chip of old jacks programe with a modern twist.

Pete Prescott… Every Sunday we would watch him. Am I dreaming or did he say (as he was cutting cheese with cheese wire ) “the Japanese used to creep up on English sentries in the jungle and use this to kill them…bastards”. Anyone remember that. It seems unlikely thinking about it now. Sadly I still sing it in the car

Wendy Weaver… He probably did and they did .

Mark Asseenontv Scutchings-Stevens…. I though it was on Friday evenings, in the Gosport catchment area

Nick Prince… It was Friday evenings after Day By Day/Scene South East from Dover in Hastings area. Think it was followed by Mind Your Language/ Muppet Show and such like. Sunday’s toward end of Southerns days

Mark Praid… “Say what you will, school dinners make you ill, all the teachers died of Shepherd’s Pie.” I remember Olli Kite sometimes on as his fishing buddy. Jack was also a bigwig on the board of Southern Television. Shame they changed Max Bygraves to swirling Guitars and Harps when the Theme tune was changed. So slow…..I aways thought those Shire Horses wouldn’t make it to the end of the field!

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Gerry Clements disc jockey – Hastings Pier March 1964

Who remembers Gerry Clements? He changed his name to Duncan Johnson and worked on Radio London and BBC Radio One.

Robert Searle… Wonderful Radio London 266m

Mick O’Dowd… very deep voice if I recall.

Paul Huggett… Ah yes, very sonorous Canadian, Mick.

Graham Matthews… Word of the week PKH ?