Shaft – Yorkshire Grey 1974


Andy Knight (drums), Jim Beadle (bass), Bob Shipway (guitar), Colin Pierce (guitar), Dave Shaw (vocal), Ross Holter (mixing).

Harry Randall… Jim use to play bass in met band in 67-68 “The Lloyd Milligan Sound” an 8 piece soul band who basically went pro to Keel but got fiddled (didn’t wait for contract)

Judith Monk… Loved the ‘Grey’ used to play bar billiards there.

Tony Court-holmes… used to be good for a fight I remember but still some good bands played there

Jan Warren… Yeah, used to go to The Yorkshire Grey quite a lot in the early 70s, saw all the local bands!

Barry French… Grundy still going strong!! Saw them playing at the Queens Head Icklesham a week prior to the “shut down” As always a really good entertaining set.

1 thought on “Shaft – Yorkshire Grey 1974”

  1. Grundy still going strong!!
    Saw them playing at the Queens Head Icklesham a week prior to the “shut down”
    As always a really good entertaining set.


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