Donation to Conquest Hospital Radio from Kevin Burchett Scalliwags – 11th May 2018

photos by Sid Saunders

Today 11th May 2018, Kevin Burchett on behalf of the members of Scalliwags made a donation of £300 to the Conquest Hospital Radio.Three of the radio presenters accepted the donation with thanks at the White Rock Hotel. In the photo left to right is Tony Davis, Kevin Burchett, Alan Esdaile and Andre Palfrey-Martin. Donations to help with the running of the radio station are always welcome.

Alan Esdaile… very much appreciated Kevin

Andre Martin… Excellent and a BIG thank you from all at CHR. It will be much appreciated.

Mick O’Dowd… Good stuff Kev!

Tony Davis… Thank you Kevin.

Andy Qunta… Excellent!

Alison Cackett… Brilliant x

Wendy Belton… A huge thank you to Kevin Burchett for his generous donation to Conquest Hospital Radio and to Sid Saunders for the lovely photos.

Kevin Burchett…. you have to thank the scalliwags members that come to my charity event every year without them it wouldnt happen

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