Radio Caroline Badges from Kevin Carlyon

Kevin Carlyon says… The Ross’s Revenge. Back in the 70’s I used to illegally run Caroline Badges where I supplied badges, at their request, to the Caroline Roadshow, where I supplied them free. I had hassle from the authorities but always got around it!! Would you like a FREE Radio Caroline badge? My favourite is the small top right small one with a photo supplied by Julie Lewis, aka Johnny Lewis other half. For your badge or two ( selected at random – not a choice) send a 2nd Class Larrge stamp or two IRC’s to Kevin Carlyon, 22B Dane Road, St Leonard’s on Sea, East Sussex, TN38 0QW, UK. What many people don’t realise that when I supplied badges to The Caroline Roadshow back in the 70’s Alan used to make them at his shop, Mason’s Music on Hastings Pier (When it used to have real shops on and a small tv studio for Meridian TV. I did several interviews for STV among others). Ask Alan about the smoke bomb in his ash tray!!!

Margaret Capps… Omg i went out and delivered bread egg bacon cannot remember the year but we went out on a fishing boat

Louise Burt… I’ve still got the badges you posted to me Kev still

Paul Simmonite… Is this offer still current?

Julie Findlay-jones… I remember the badge machine great fun,

Steve Thorpe… Remember the shop and did have a Caroline badge!