Emperor Rosko – Hastings Pier 9th July 1976

Peter Fairless… ‘R’ to the ‘O’ to the ‘S’ to the ‘K’ to the ‘O’…

Tony Davis… When I worked at the Aquarius the Radio One Club with Rosko, came there. I was on the radio as part of the panel reviewing new releases. He is a nice guy, unlike DLT who I also met at The Aquarius on a different night

Marky Heselwood… You can hear Emperor Rosko on CHR Conquest Hospital Radio on Saturday Morning 12am till 2am. And Monday 12am till 2am

Lynne Smith… I remember DLT coming to the Aquarius

Alan Esdaile… I used to book DLT all over the country from a garden shed in Emmanuel Road!

Mick O’Dowd… Used to love “The Emperor”. His ad tune was a take on Jamo Thomas’s “I Spy For The F.B.I” which he altered to “Rosko For The F.B.I.” Played some good music as well.

1 thought on “Emperor Rosko – Hastings Pier 9th July 1976”

  1. Used to love “The Emperor”. His ad tune was a take on Jamo Thomas’s “I Spy For The F.B.I” which he altered to “Rosko For The F.B.I.” Played some good music as well.


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