Sean Connery voted best James Bond – who’s yours?

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Matt Thomas… Daniel Craig for me

Yvonne Hardman… and me

Steve Reents… Bill Cosby

Penelope Robbins… Daniel Craig

Martin Richter… different films for different times ?

Ron Tennant… For me Sean was the best followed by Roger Moore.

Alan Esdaile… Agree Ron but seeing the repeats on TV at the moment, I’m enjoying the fun of Roger Moore.

Julie Findlay-jones… Totally agree.

Jan Warren… Roger Moore

Nick Mole… David Niven

Tim Harris… It’s like Dr Who. Whoever you grew up with was the best. Fav Mr Bond ?
Has to be Jon Pertwee ! Or was that Worzel Gummidge. Always get mixed up.

John Beeching… Daniel Craig.

Reid McDuffie… The rebooted series with Daniel Craig are my favorite Bonds

Colin Bell… Has to be Sean for me. Ian Fleming even wrote some of the later novels with Connery’s characteristics and gave Bond a Scottish background. I admire Daniel Craig’s performance, but as has been mentioned i agree it depends who you grew up with.

Matt Thomas… I grew up with Roger Moore but still prefer Daniel Craig

Richard Honey… Sean Connery

Roger Simmonds… Sean best then roger dont like any of the others!

Tony Court-holmes… Connery out by a mile

Chris Jolly… SCHPLENDID!

Geoff Joyce… Connery by far

Lyn Humphrey… As long as it’s not Daniel ‘I only do one facial expression’ Craig, then I’m not too bothered. The Connery films were way classier than the others though.

Linda Holter… Connery every time no one doe it better.

Colin Jefferys… Roger Moore all day long.   Regardless of what Fleming did in the later novels with the Scottish ties, Bond was meant to be English and certainly was not meant to wear a wig

Kevin White… Got to be Sean!

Tony Court-holmes… Sean

Paul McCartney’s Give my regards to Broadstreet film – Hastings Classic Cinema February 1985

Julie Findlay-jones… I had the album.

Andy Qunta… Plus Rupert and the Frog Song!

Steve Amos… Rupert and the Frog Song was the better film.

Ralph Town… I was there lol, with a good friend.

Alan King… at least the Frog thing was a better song than Suzie and the Red Stripes