Childhood Meals, Eat It or Go Without! Was this true in your house?

childhood meals

Dennis Torrance… Very much so for me Sunday was a Day all sitting at table and everything had to be eaten before we could get down had thing about lamb after that after having it every s Sunday lol

Wendy Weaver… NZ Lamb was the cheapest meat – and then the Common Market came along and the UK wasn’t allowed that anymore. Difficult to feed the family as other joints of meat were too expensive. Kids didn’t understand the dire straights parents were in and that there just wasn’t anything else, so if we are of an age we all remember this☹️

Jim Breeds… New Zealand lamb wasn’t affected by the common market and is still in the shops today, mores the pity. Support British farmers

Dennis Torrance… Sorry not a lamb lover beef was dearest then but never had chicken or turkey yes came from poor parents but still did not want lamb rather eat spam liked that great fried

Angela Frances Gardner… I remember my brother Mike Gardner sitting all afternoon at home and school in front of a plate of cold congealed food and me rescuing him by throwing the food away! He would never have eaten it! I remember a time at my school having to swallow disgusting gristly meat with water as the nuns made you eat everything on your plate!

Liz Dees Dianto… Yes I remember that very clearly.The whole school went down with food poisoning once as well, when we were all forced to eat rice pudding !

Dennis Torrance… School dinners I remember mostly ok chocolate crunch but liver and onions a no for me but had to eat it totally wrong

Alan Esdaile… Who remembers bread and dripping sandwiches? Used to enjoy them but sounds disgusting now.

Dennis Torrance… Bread and dripping sandwiches had them at the time my mum consider it a treat for me but really like banana sandwiches still do.

Paul Redfearn… Yup.

Andrew Clifton… Bread and dripping. All the time Alan.

Wendy Belton… You have made me want bread and dripping sandwiches now 😉 and my late mother used to make beef suet puddings and bacon dumplings! Those were the days.

Keith Cowper… With a strip of Bovril of course

Tony Davis… Used to have jam and banana sandwiches – loved them. Do remember not eating dinner and it being served up again for breakfast the next morning. We used to have a bowl of dripping and I used to like the jelly that formed under the white fat.

Martin Stringer… Yes. I remember my mother asking my father if he would like dinner. He asked what the choice. She replied yes or fucking no.

Geoff Fordham… Too true!!

Alan King… eat it cold for breakfast or keep going without

Peter Millington… I wasn’t allowed down from the table until I’d cleaned my plate. I was often there at tea time where my dinner was reheated and re-plated. No pudding for me and giving it to our dog under the table only happened once! I can still remember the corporal punishment 🤢 Didn’t do that again!

Ralph Town… My favorite(not) meals were parsnips,bread and dripping sandwiches,bread and butter pudding and swede.OH the wonder that was my childhood lol.

Mick O’Dowd… Yes

Yvonne Ellis… Absolutely.

Keith Veness… Yes

Carole Prescott… Yes but mum tried to give you things you liked. She was a very good cook. The horrible experiences were at school. I hated greens but you had to finish everything or you couldn’t leave nor could the others on your table. I was always getting into trouble with those who wanted seconds. My father jokingly said “if you can’t eat something put it in your purse”. I took him literally and put the greens in my shoulder purse. My mum was furious with me the following day when she went to put in my clean hankie and dinner money! But soon saw the funny side when I repeated what he had said.

Colin Bell… That’s brought back some horrible memories of school dinners Carole, i hated beetroot still do! ugh

Alan Esdaile… I liked school dinners, or maybe it was the deserts!

Richard Downer… Chocolate Semolina here Carol. Forced to eat it at school. Looked like sick and smelt horrible. I obliged and was sick, there and then

Pete Houghton… How very true

Nicola Barfield… Very true xx

Mike Guy… Yep – that was the joy of mashed spuds, good for mixing & hiding; nowadays I eat the lot anyway & it’s a joy.

Tony Court-holmes… remember it well everything boiled with no taste

Robert Fisher… not as bad ,but i hated the smell of cabbage cooking

John Beeching… We never got the choice of going without. “You’ll eat it and like it.” I was a rebel, I ate it but secretly I didn’t like it. Small victories.

1 thought on “Childhood Meals, Eat It or Go Without! Was this true in your house?”

  1. Used to have jam and banana sandwiches – loved them. Do remember not eating dinner and it being served up again for breakfast the next morning. We used to have a bowl of dripping and I used to like the jelly that formed under the white fat.


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