Julie Driscoll Brian Auger and the Trinity – Top Rank Brighton 1968

Supplied by David McLean DJ Gremlin’s Rockin’ Stompers! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1485750291699467/

Mick Knights… Great venue, we were regulars on Saturday nights before Eastbourne and latterly Hastings caught up.

Tony Court-holmes… i was in love with her

Steve Thorpe… same here

Alan Esdaile… same here

Colin Bell… That’s all of us then!

Steve Thorpe… that voice was amazing and she was great to look at as well.

Alan King… she looks like something of of Star Trek. skip bifferty, miss teenage brighton contest

Michael Gibbs… Love This Wheels On Fire

Colin Gibson… I was there, in the other band

Alan Esdaile… Any interesting memories about the gig, Colin?

Colin Gibson… Absolutely none! Loved The Trinity though

Phil Gill… Colin, I used to love Skip Bifferty. Every episode he used to alert someone about a kid trapped down a well or an old mine shaft.

Colin Gibson… and they had to use several kangaroos per show because they kept running away


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