Andre Palfrey-Martin Collection
Clive Richardson & ? at The Continental. supplied by Clive Richardson
Lynn Graham… Who remembers the Continental with Dick Masters at the table at the top of the stairs?
Leigh Wieland-Boys… The Continental in Robertson Street. Used to go there all the time when I first moved to Hastings in 1971, downstairs was the ‘smelly’ disco with the juke box! Same people in there all the time, loved it!
Andre Martin… Go back about 7 years and it would have been the Nest Club, with live groups on Friday & Saturday Night – now that was really packed !!
Peter Fairless… How could you ever forget? I think this might have been a bit before my time, though!
Leigh Wieland-Boys… Spent a lot of time there drinking coffee & putting money in the juke box!
John Busbridge… I used to play down there in a group called the Fugitives.
Eric Harmer… Was that with Richard Chamberlin John
John Busbridge… No, I was with Keith Attwood and Jim Beadle.
Glenn Piper… I think the young lady had a twin
Kevin White… you’re right,her twin was Julie, this is Jane.
Lynn Graham… Worked for John now and again.