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Tony May… A puzzler for you all? Does anyone know what year ‘Capels’ closed down? I’m researching a photo I have been given for Christmas and it shows ‘Capels’ where the ‘Upstairs’ Nightclub used to be. I remember, ‘Capels’ from the 1980’s but can’t recall if it became ‘Upstairs’ afterwards or if ‘Upstairs’ became ‘Capels’? My gut tells me that it was ‘Capels’ first but any info you can shed on this would be good… Oh and if any of you have any photos of either club you would be willing to let me use for an article in, ‘Hastings Town’ please get in touch, thanks!
Tony Court-holmes… new one on me and i drunk in capels a lot
Nick Prince… It was the upstairs night club last of all but CapelsRestaurant still continued underneath. The Upstairs Nightclub was generally still called Capels by the regular during this era. Do you know about Edward Capel?
Tony May… Ah, thanks, Nick! I may be getting things mixed up then! I thought ‘Capels‘ was the Nightclub but if it was a restaurant and underneath ‘Upstairs’ that would explain why I remember it incorrectly – especially if locals at the time also confused the two. Oh and no, I know nothing about Edward Capel?
Nick Prince… The correct spelling would have been Capell’s after Edward Capell , whom was a Shakespearean commentator and a famous playwright. It was once his home. It was also used as a bingo hall by Harry Simmons before he took over the Cinema Deluxe and was used for screening very early films between c1907 and 1910.
Wendy Weaver… I went upstairs in Capells in 1980 on Old Town Carnival night with Mick Msplesden who was s neighbour. He said that Jimmy Dimitri owned it at that time.
Terry Hardwick… I was the DJ at Capels . Upstairs was short lived after someone buying the property next door and Getting it closed down due to noise
Virginia Davis… I wondered why it closed as it always seemed busy.
Yvonne Cleland… It was a great club. I couldn’t wait to finish my shift in the Nelson and get up there! Jayne White was on the door xxx
Wendy Weaver… I think it must have been 1981. We went in there on carnival night with Mick Maplesden who was our neighbour and it closed shortly after.