photo: Satellite Record Studio – The Bunker.
Lloyd Johnson… I had one of those!….I remember Melvyn Grant’s Watkins Copicat in the 60s, it was two tone coverings ,one cream and the other light blue both coverings had dark flecks…. Melvyn Grant, Kenny Comfort, Lynn Grant and Brian ‘BONZO’ Redfern had a band called ‘Humperdinks’ and use to play The Regent Club under the Regents Hotel in the 60s.
Jeffrey Beadle… I loved them great sound
John Harper… Great sounds. I still have 2 of them!!
Colin Fox… I had one, they were great until the tape broke half way through a Shadows instrumental.
Phil Foley… Once played a bass through one at a rehearsal studio which had Jeff Beck’s gear in it at the time. Interesting sound to say the least
Mark Randall… I wish I still had mine. So If anybody has one with ‘The Screens’ stencil sprayed on the top cover …….
John Williams… Used to sing through one of them
Alan Essex… Still got mine, still in working order.
Ian Tee… I used one for years for solo gigs. Still have it somewhere. Excellent bit of kit.
Rick Startin… Never owned one myself but I borrowed one for a while and loved it, apart from the rather alarming buzz I got off it whenever I touched it. There’s something special about tape echo.
Carole Truffle… Used to sing through one of them when I was in a band, a good few moons ago, brillant for just giving the voice some kind of richness in sound and echo, just right for giving you a bit of confidence
David Finn… Used to repair them!
Steve Fox… I still do
Wee Jock… Nice wee unit I sold mine a few years ago. These units need to be earthed now.
Alan West… remember fixing them and the earlier valve ones ewwwwwwwww
Chris Howard… Our first couple of bands used them they were great, but as Colin said not if the tape broke during an instrumental.
Jean Brett… The old man has still got two and still working
Andy Qunta… I think we had one with Factory in the ‘70s for our vocals, and later I used one with my Mini Moog. Great machines!
Mike Waghorne… I had one in the 70’s
Stuart Moir… We had one of those in the early days of Suspect/Centre Page, a brilliant echo machine and easy to maintain as we made our own tapes
Gaz Linch… Had one for years, bought off Tony Bird. Threw it away when it went wrong. Big mistake
Andy Caine… Here’s mine. Bought from Tony Bird a long time ago!
Tony Bird… Andy, it must’ve been a good one then
Broadoak Studio… I have that exact model!
Ricky Long… Used one of these for 10 years never a problem
Alastair James Thompson… I had one of these ! Awesome !
Ralph Town… I’d love one now along with a Dallas Rangemaster