Music on the move – Philips car stereo cassette player

shared from Pop Culture and Nostalgia facebook page

Graham Sherrington… my old 2004 Hyundai Elantra had one.

Martin Richter… what is interesting is that this *new* technology has come and been made obsolete within our lifetime! along with the CD – the worst part is watching them on *tomorrow’s world* and thinking how great they were!

Peter Fairless… The one I feel sorry for is Mini-Disc, that lasted minutes. Shame, because it was very good.

Martin Richter… Peter and what was the Digital Tape? (or betamax)

Peter Fairless… DAT, d’y’mean?

John Bownas… Just found my old minidisc player along with one single, solitary disc… may use it next time I am DJ ing… Don’t forget Phillips Video 2000 – we had one of the only film rental libraries in the UK for that on the Isle of Wight… far superior to both Betamax and the rubbish VHS that finally won out.

Peter Fairless… I worked with a guy who had thousands of karoke tracks on laserdisc, he must have spent a fortune

Tim Harris… Bought up on Neil Young’s After the Gold Rush on 8 track !!

Chris Wood… And it connects to your battery….who’d thought it. I had a very similar device which was mounted in the compartment on the drivers door on my first mini, it wasn’t till the second mini when I had a fancy replacement dash with a hole cut out for a radio….good times

Chris Meachen…My recently purchased 2003 Volvo came factory fitted with a combined radio, CD & cassette player, & it all actually works! I’ve rediscovered a few of my old tapes & listened to stuff I’ve not heard in years.. They do sound dull, though when compared to cd’s..

Who remembers Ray Goode – Hastings Town Crier?

Kev Towner… Oh – very well. Apart from being a well-known public figure he was also a tireless fundraiser for local charities.

Colin Bell… Yup! i really liked Ray, he was a good laugh, good guy.

Julie Findlay-jones… Yes I do met him on many occasions to do with Hollington gymnastics club and my mum and dad knew him.

Malcolm Sharpe… You cant fish this time of the year. Go down the harbour arm, doesn’t happen now, oh and sorry no dogs on this beach, 4 groynes up sir madam

Jane Hartley… Used to live down my road, bless him. Lovely man.

Tony Court-holmes… had a drink or two with him

Roy Penfold… Grew up a few doors down on the opposite side of the road in St Mary’s Road. My father and he were drinking pals and there were a few occasions when either I or my mum would ‘assist’ both of them out of the Lord Warden down the road to our respective houses.

Jim Breeds… Yeah, I used to pay him his town crier expenses when I worked at the Borough Treasurers in Wellington Square in the early 70’s.

Ricky Long… Had some good laughs with him on many occasions

Iain Cobby… Knew Ray well when I worked for Hastings Borough Council in the works depot at Waterworks Road. Ray was the foreshore inspector and used to come into the yard a lot. Always cheerful and such a nice guy.

Judith Monk… Lovely man!

Pete Brazier… Great Bloke! Was an honour to have known him!