Day: 27 April 2021
The Crocodiles – 1980
supplied by Tony May
Mike Guy… They were snappy dressers!
Pete Prescott… I used to have this. I remember this !
Terry Pack… Lovely Dave. What a wonderful bloke. Steve was a fine singer and writer.
Andy Qunta… I remember Dave! What a lovely fella!
Martin Curcher… I remember hanging with Dave whilst he played drums when enjoyed my first recording experience doing backing vocals to a song Wesley Magoogan had written, played Sax and sang on.
Martin Blackman… Only yesterday I was listening to some old Blackman Brothers Band live recordings of me and dear Dave doing our harmonies, such great memories, never a day goes past without me thinking about him.
Pete Prescott… Martin, you two were great together. I remember drunkenly climbing over the barrier at the Black Horse festival to join you for a song one night. It meant a lot when you pointed at me and invited me up. Great band.