Speedway 1970’s supplied by Sid Saunders

all photos © Sid Saunders

Sid Saunders…While looking for some family photos this morning I came across these old photos that I took in the early 1970s. They are from the speedway track near Hailsham and of a grasstrack meeting in Kent. The photos were in a poor condition and those that were in colour had to be changed to black and white as they were so faded. The photos are not very good as they were taken on a point and shoot camera and haven’t held up very well but they may be of interest to some people before I bin them all.

Tony May… PLEASE don’t bin these! They were taken I think at Arlington Stadium and are quite possibly of the Eastbourne Eagles Speedway team. Certainly Gordon Kennett was an Eastbourne rider as he was in the side when I used to go…

Steve Cooke… Great photos and brings back good memories of Sunday afternoons at Arlington.

Wendy Weaver… Loved my Sunday afternoons at Arlington. Speedway hasn’t been the same since it changed times.

Elaine Stock… Strangely when I lived in the North I visited Eastbourne Speedway a couple of times, once was in 1976 just after Peter Collins became world Champion! I’ve lived in Hastings for over 33 years and haven’t visited in that time!

Jean Parks… Thank you it brought back great memories

Karen Towner… Followed Eastbourne Eagles for many years – great fun



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