who remembers wrapping your school books with brown paper?

photo source: unknown

Carol Ann Bolton… Spent hours choosing wallpaper scraps and covering my jotters.

Steve Thorpe… Yep, did that on the exercise books at school but wrote my name upside down so that when the teacher would think it was the right way up, it wasn’t – what a rebel!

Barry Newton… Kids still do it in France

Carol Paffett… Yes

Sandy Max… We had to use wipe clean wall paper or sticky back plastic. Brown paper wasn’t allowed! Still have my school French dictionary in it’s fetching seventies bathroom wall paper! Bit tatty nowadays….

Pete Prescott… My rough books !

Jane Cranfield… Yes i do until we were aloud to cover them with wallpaper lol

Roger Simmonds… Me!

Judy Atkinson… Used to use wallpaper from the sample books

Pete Prescott… Yep ! Done that !

Joe Knight… Yes

David Hookey… Yep

Janet Brophy… YES

Janet Large… yes

Dennis Torrance… Hated doing that brings back of the bloody books had to carry around all the time as well. Always tried to lighten it took books out and got in trouble if I forgot to put them in for lessons. Some of us used wallpaper scraps s as well for books either way the ended on the wall lol

Jake Nelson… I always hated that chore, although I must admit there was a certain sense of a job well done afterwards…..unless I did it poorly, in which case….

Pete Millington… Me, all my books were covered in brown paper. I still have many of them in perfect condition – annuals etc.

1 thought on “who remembers wrapping your school books with brown paper?”

  1. I always hated that chore, although I must admit there was a certain sense of a job well done afterwards…..unless I did it poorly, in which case….


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