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Paul Cullen… So sad
Harry Norcliffe-hic… Such a shame x
Tracy Howell… Liked her r.i.p xx
Linda O’leary… Very sad
Jill Green… Rip
Margaret Trowell… How very horrifying and sad. RIP Anna
Carole Prescott… Terrible circumstances. RIP Olive.
Robert Searle… Thats horrible news RIP Anna
Barry Upton… That’s sad
Malcolm Robinson… Terribly sad
Leigh Mitchell… Oh how awful, I was only talking about her yesterday!
Carol Cooksey… So sad
Andy Guainiere… Such a sad end……….
Andy Warren… RIP. Funny lady.
Julie Findlay-jones… Oh how aweful, sleep well funny lady, you were a delight to watch.
Janine Hemsley… That is tragic
Josie Syer… Poor lady,such a horrific death.R.I.P
Alice K Blakemore…Omg such a funny lady. Be missed
Wendy McGee… So sad
Phil Scott… That is terrible news, So sad to hear this
Colin Bell… so sad
Monica Bane… So very sad
Pete Prescott… Very sad
Jacquie Hinves… Oh goodness. That’s is so terrible sad. She was a true star . I loved “on the buses”RIP.
Lyn Farkley Appleyard… This is so sad…Rip Anna. You will be missed x
Andy Qunta… Very sad!
Hayley OBrien… I ate you butler is my reminder from that comedy