Thorcraft 182, Queens Road Hastings 1970’s

Alan Esdaile… I think they now run a gas company local?

Christ Meachen… They relocated to ivy house lane industrial estate.. Still going, & with all the tools etc.

Chris Jolly… Such a great design!

Will Cornell… I have one of these. In his project working on his AR15 my son tore one of the planks on top off it’s mounting bolt. Looked online. They DO have replacements, so I ordered a pair….but the forward plank jutted out 1/4″ from the front and the crank handles that adjust the vise planks can’t turn all the way…so on either side you must shave off a bit. That then takes away some of the ruler that comes printed with that forward plank. But overall, this thing has been real handy…have built something like 18 cigar box guitars with it in a tiny cramped corner of the garage and many other projects too.

Stewart Grimes… Still using mine, one of the original ones with the cast alloy legs that rarely survive

Lyn Farkley Appleyard… Oh my goodness… memories of the 1970’s!!

Gerry Fortsch… Wish you could buy one of those at that price today, I have had mine for over 40 years brilliant bit of kit.

Jon McCallion… Still have mine

Graham Sherrington…Thorcraft what a great store

Paul Solly Herbert… Graham, thank you appreciate that

Julie Findlay-jones… We still have one.

Paul Bannister… I think I remember them as really sturdy, made of cast aluminium? Modern ones are flimsy in comparison..

Marcus de Mowbray… Thorcraft still going in Ore Industrial estate, Ivyhouse Lane.

Mike Waghorne… I still have one of the smaller ones in my garage must be nearly 40 years old

Julie Finch… Julie, dad never used his

Mark Bartlett… Thorcraft. That’s a memory, probably long gone now.

Paul Solly Herbert… Hia we are still about I’m Barry’s son Paul and we are still going strong. Barry is still there but I’m in the process of taking it on. We’ve been at Ivyhouse Lane now for nearly 15 years.

Martin Waghorne… Still got one in the shed

Paul Solly Herbert… Just want to say hi to everyone on this group I loved seeing the old advert from Thorcraft Ltd. I was wondering if anyone else had any more old memories from the shop. My dad was the manager there from the early days and now I’m slowly taking over it as he is semi retired so would love to see some old history or hear anything about the shop. I’ve been working for my dad for the last 15 years at the shop.

Romaine Fulton-hart… All the staff used to come into Nick’s Cornwallis Restaurant next to the trophy 🏆shop, just near to Thorcraft. I worked there at weekends while I was at school. Barry was lovely, he gave me a lift to work, early one Sunday in morning in 1979, when I decided to walk the distance from home near Abbey Drive to Cornwallis Street.

Alan Esdaile… Used to use Nick’s for lunch sometimes and so did some of the Masons staff.

Romaine Fulton-hart… Nick and Helen were pretty special and so kind

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