Whisky Mac – Jerome Tait around 1967/68 & rock-a-nore group photo

whisky mac

supplied by Graham Bradley

Andre Martin…..Jerome Tait in action with Whisky Mac around 1967/68 – thanks to Graham Bradley who has been sending me some great pictures, that bring memories flooding back for all sorts of reasons.

Alan Esdaile…..This is Tich Turner.

Andre Martin…..I do not know why – but that was the name that Tich wanted to use on the publicity we put out in late 68 – part of the image no doubt – all of this is great stuff.

Phil Gill…..Jerome! I’d forgotten about that!


photo by John E Sweet       supplied by Graham Bradley

Andre Martin…..Graham Bradley has emailed me a publicity photo that John Sweet took in Autumn 68 at Rock-a-Nore of Whisky Mac I remember this session

Martyn Baker… A very young Tich Turner

Glenn Piper… Very young Tich indeed 😀

Shaft promo photo Rock A Nore Road and Hastings Pier Ballroom


This is a promotion photo for Martin Casson Agency, taken at Rock A Nore Road. I think the car belonged to the photographer?


Shaft on the stage at Hastings Pier – Early 70’s photos supplied by Andy Knight 

Andre Martin (commenting on the last photo) That is a really excellent shot of the Happy Ballroom – and of Andy when he had plenty of hair -Hah Hah

Andy Knight… Shaft (son of Freeway) on the Pier

Nick Shute… wow!! a sound city pa and the hofner bass….looks like a lot of my old gear up there!!!

Len Smith… Colin Pierce, Jim Beadle, Andy Knight, Bob Shipway, Dave Shaw

Ross Holter… Great band

Mark Gilham… Is that a Marcos?

Ralph Town… Yes Mark.

Robin Hughes… (To Mark Gilham) – that certainly is a Marcos and that presumably means that the photographer in question was John Sweet who was based at the top of London Road in Silverhill

Mark Gilham… Great British car, as was the TVR.

Robert Searle… Dave Shaw on the right

Robin Hughes… A photo very similar to this, taken at same time but different expressions and head positions, appeared in the Hastings and St.Leonards Observer in the Spring of 1972 above an article about the Carnival Queen’s contest. The subject line of the photo said ” Shaft, the up-and-coming pop group who will be at Bonita’s on Monday when the Carnival Queen contest will be decided”.