Teenbeats at The Disc Jockey Hastings 1979

Paul Gray… I was there and got my copy signed. Sadly long gone

Stewart Rockett… I came across Tommy just t’other day. Still cool.

Alan Esdaile… doesn’t change, still looks the same!

Mike Mitchell… You’re letting the side down there, Ken with that smile

Ken Copsey… More of an uncomfortable smirk than a smile! How did we manage to end up on the other side of the counter?

Allan Mitchell… Awesome!!

Dave Nattress… Always much revered and respected the Teenbeats, great band name, great image, fitted the time, (so-called Mod revival), and simply because they were on the face of it, the most commercially successful and “known” band to come out of the Hastings music scene since Stallion.

Stewart Rockett… From the book, ‘American Idol: The Untold Story’ By Richard Rushfield, referencing Simon Fuller, the Teenbeats’ manager…

2 thoughts on “Teenbeats at The Disc Jockey Hastings 1979”

  1. Always much revered and respected the Teenbeats, great band name, great image, fitted the time, (so-called Mod revival), and simply because they were on the face of it, the most commercially successful and “known” band to come out of the Hastings music scene since Stallion.


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