cutting supplied by Andy Knight
Stallion photo by Chris Meachen. Not sure this was from the same gig but would be around this time.
Phil Thornton… I was there ! I joined Stallion after seeing their performance !
Yvonne Cleland… I was there. I was doing Daisy’s sound at the time…
Steve Kinch… Great times!
Daisy photo supplied by Yvonne Cleland (August 1974)
Yvonne Cleland… .. featuring Will Thomson, Kevin Hoad (Moff) and Tony Barraclough. Terry Corder was there but not in this shot.
Kevin Sherwood… Daisy were very good that night.
Yvonne Cleland… Daisy were exceptionally good that night.
Jo Turner… Oh I loved these competitions and have great memories of jumping in the back of someone’s van frequently in later years to follow local bands doing the competition rounds. Was it Michael Mepham who had the van?
Wesley Magoogan… I remember that well, there were lots of shenanigans between us and Stallion lol.